Hey guys I'm using Quixel Suite for a college work. When I create my texture with DDO and try to preview my mesh with 3D I get this result. The only maps that I import are the obj mesh, the Normal map ( which is a ''blank'' normal map from NDO with nothing on it) and an ID map. It's not the first time I run into this kind of visual bug but it's been a long time since I last used Quixel so I don't remember how to make it work. I triangulated my mesh, and preview it in 3DO before entering DDO and it works. Please help! The work is for Thursday!

There's your problem. Create a single mesh group, name the OBJ after the *.PSDs - in this case, name it cage.obj. Try reimporting it and see if that fixes it. If it doesn't, create a new project with the new OBJ and the issue should go away.
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