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[WIP] Modular Spaceship Cockpit Creator

polycounter lvl 3
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ebutler3D polycounter lvl 3
Hi Everybody,

This is the first post for a new Asset Store product I am currently working on, which I have just finished block concepting.. so thought I would share some material and hopefully get some constructive criticism & feedback!

The asset will be a modular cockpit creator, which snaps together so users can create custom interiors for their first person space exploration games etc. For the final asset I am planning on having:

- Prefabs for each component with multiple game objects for different set-ups (e.g. controls, monitors, drop down displays..) all animated.
- Futuristic HUD/UI on glass panelling and monitors.
- Some cool strip lighting.

All the meshes will be modelled in high poly, and baked in Substance Designer.. the asset will include the .sbs substance materials with exposed parameters for commonly editable properties such as colour, smoothness, grunge, scratches, damage, etc.. as well as the ability to place custom texture decals to customise the cockpit with your own fleet's emblems.

Here's a link to what it looks like so far: https://vimeo.com/139734406

Any & all feedback welcome.. Thanks!


  • ebutler3D
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    ebutler3D polycounter lvl 3
    Hey Everybody,

    Update! Have modelled in detail to the cockpit, keeping with the modular fashion. There are plenty more hidden objects that you will be able to enable/disable to customise different loadouts for the cockpit, this is just one example.

    I have uploaded a 360 video: https://goo.gl/BZRAd8, check it out!

    Next stage is to unwrap it all, make high poly meshes and take it into Substance Designer!

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