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Illustration Critique

polycounter lvl 5
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LandSknecht polycounter lvl 5
I have my ideas as to why this image isn't successful, but I'd really appreciate the opinions of others on this board who might be further along. If either to validate my concerns or identify some new ones, I'm looking for advice that I might apply to my next piece rather than continuing to fuss with this one (unless your experience says I should continue fussing). I have the sneaking suspicion that the issues here, like all the issues with this stuff, come from a fundamental level and cannot be righted this far down the line of a composition. Perhaps there are some 'Post-FX' corrections that would make or break things. Either way, thanks for your help.



  • tsuchinoko
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    tsuchinoko polycounter lvl 4
    I've looked at this one for a few days now, and I think it may be lack of contrast? Or at least, lack of any apparent contours to define shapes. From what I can tell, there's two knight-guys tackling two beasties? But it's hard to tell what's what.
  • Har
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    Har polycounter lvl 3
    I agree with tsuchinoko, the knights are sorta blended in with the monsters. You could try refining the image to make the knights better visible? All you see now is a helmet and some hands, the rest of the knight has nearly the same brown fur as the monster.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    I have no idea whats going on. there is no sense of material or scale, are these giants? cause it kind of looks like theres a giant city wall in the background or something.

    are the giant bug monster made out of mud? are there 2 different types of monster? cause they look slightly different, like one of them have some sort of insect arms and the other one is more of a gorilla.
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