Maya 2015 introduced shrink wrapping in Maya, is there a script whereas I can paint on a mesh and only those parts of the mesh will shrink wrap to whatever object I selected to be shrink wrapped too ?
You can do this in 2016.
As a workaround you can probably create a copy of the un-shrinked mesh and create a blendshape and add the shrinkmesh as target.
You can now shrinkwrap the original and paint the weights of the blendshape deformers on the other mesh to blend between the default and the shrinked state.
As a workaround you can probably create a copy of the un-shrinked mesh and create a blendshape and add the shrinkmesh as target.
You can now shrinkwrap the original and paint the weights of the blendshape deformers on the other mesh to blend between the default and the shrinked state.