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3D pixel graphic textures not coming out properly.

polycounter lvl 3
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poopstick polycounter lvl 3
I'm working on a low poly game with a pixel graphic aesthetic but I'm having problems with my pixels getting warped when applying them to a model.

Here's part of my texture http://prntscr.com/8h24yv

And here's a close up of the window http://prntscr.com/8h2515

Now here's how it looks in unity http://prntscr.com/8h259r

I've set the texture filtering mode to 'point' but it still seems to trying to blend my pixels with god knows what. What's strange is that I've done this process a few times and had no problem with other vehicles like so http://prntscr.com/8h2616

Why are my textures doing this suddenly?

My texture map is 256x256 if that helps.

Thanks :)


  • Michael Knubben
    That looks like compression. Set the texture type to one that's uncompressed (If there isn't one you can find, then UI will work).
  • MikeF
    Offline / Send Message
    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    I've had this kind of thing happen before when leaving the triangulation up to unity.
    Try manually triangulating inside of your 3d package before exporting to unity. In some cases you'l see that distortion happening as you triangulate, when that occurs try alternating the direction of the triangle slice
  • poopstick
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    poopstick polycounter lvl 3
    Tried both of these but neither have worked, I've tried every type of unity texture import setting and still I get weird blending of pixels. Even if I put the texture on a plane in unity is still happens so I it can't be anything to do with the geometry http://prntscr.com/8h692z

    When I save the image as a PNG it looks fine, even when I import it into Unity it looks fine, but the second I apply it to a material and put it in game it looks horrible :s
  • ngw
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    ngw polycounter lvl 5
    That's almost definitely a compression issue. Have you tried the compression setting "Automatic Truecolor"?

    Have you made sure there's nothing weird in the alpha channel?

    Have you disabled mip-maps?
  • Lt_Commander
    Offline / Send Message
    Lt_Commander polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah it really looks like a compression issue. Make sure your texture is set to truecolor and filtering is set to point (from bilinear), and apply the new settings.
  • poopstick
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    poopstick polycounter lvl 3
    Ok dug into the compression settings a little bit more in unity and went into the advanced settings for texture type. I turned off mipmaps, turned them on, changed the settings and nothing worked, so then I just randomly tried the texture type "cursor" and it's fixed it :S

    I've googled cursor texture type in unity but it doesn't really have any information on what it is? Is this safe to use as a texture type.

    Thanks for the help.


    I've fixed it, I found the my friend located the Truecolour options that were buried somewhere in the UI :S I'm an idiot. Thanks for all the help!
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