I am a new Modo user (Been using Maya for years) and I can't seem to find a way to select through objects in Modo. It will only select the objects/components that are not obscured by anything. While I can see a place for this, I would still like to, say, select the vertices on both sides of an object in one swipe. Is there a way to do this?
System > Preferences > Selection > Partial Polygon Selection
Secondly if your coming from maya check out...
System > Preferences > Remapping > Mouse Input Presets Maya (Navigation only)
Navigation only is best, really helped me with the switch over.
Thank you again this really helps!
I've youve not checked out the foundry forum its worth wile too
Yea it does that with edges - no idea why! But
Use convert selections - frigging awesome btw - select anything, a poly for example, hold down alt and then hit another selection type... vert, edge or ALT + 1,2,3 etc etc - maybe not so useful for this but general all round useful.
Another thing to try for selections is rather then "tapping" each edge as you would with maya make selections more like painting brush strokes in photoshop. Hold your pen down and brush across your model for quick selections. I love this!!
All selections, tool options and snapping tools are exactly the same in your UV window as your 3D view port. Also speeds things up a lot!
I think it modo also remembers what you had selected in each selection type.. so select some verts, switch over to poly make some selections then switch back to verts... it should still have the same verts selected from earlier.
Your best bet is the "brush" style selections with your edge issue.
"Debug" it with your mouse. Right click marquee should select front facing faces wile middle click should select front and back.