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SOLVED: Quixel Suite keeps crashing

polycounter lvl 10
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Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone.
I am always struggling with this program especially how it keeps giving me errors trying to do anything.

Usually what happens is I start it up along with my student licence CS6 Extended and load up my maps just fine. Usually from this point on I can work fine but eventually when I need to save it will crash the entire project and wont let me edit any further.

This is a regular occurrence along with many other crashes and general problems I've encountered, usually related to saving. I want to use this program over substance but I'm losing too many hours.

Can someone shed some light over why this keeps happening. I can try and get screenshots of each of these errors if it helps.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Saving inside of the Suite isn't a necessity. It's just a Photoshop overlay. A workaround for now would be to save your maps individually inside of Photoshop - or create an action that does it for you on a hotkey.

    You're at FS - if you've got a laptop, feel free to swing by the UCF area and I'll gladly help you out in person. :)
  • Jimonions
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    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah I guess that works, but doesn't ddo load its project settings from an xml file? Otherwise it wouldn't know which files to load on the next startup?
    Another downside to this is that I would have to work at full resolution and not the reduced working resolution that Quixel provides which can make it extremely tough with 4096 textures.

    Thanks for the offer, currently in finals though so I'm either working all morning in lab and all afternoon at home just to make weekly deadlines. That and I don't have my drivers license yet.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It does load from the Project.xml file located in your source folder. I don't think it matters much beyond loading the *.PSDs it creates. It does seem to save a lot of data but all of that data is actually inside of the *.PSD files, which is really what matters. So long as you've saved and are comfortable with what it looks like, you should be able to export your maps and be good to go.

    I may be completely mistaken, however, so a Quixel rep will probably chime in soon to correct me if I'm wrong. :)
  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    Hello there!

    What version of DDO are you using? Also, I'm not sure what you mean with the reduced resolution? You should have full control over what resolution you want to work with. Care to explain further?

    As Synaesthesia says, you can save out the maps manually through Photoshop, but that doesn't sort out the issue with the crashes.. Would you mind posting screenshots of the error messages you're getting along with a brief description of what you did when it happened?

  • Jimonions
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    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    Hey, I'm using ver 1.8.
    What I mean by reduced resolution is the working resolution in the base creator panel.

    Issue #1 When I set the work resolution percentage low and then use the export function it saves out the working res rather than the full res.

    Issue #2 When I hit the export button it brings up the photoshop save as screen.

    past versions didn't do this so its a little confusing and makes it incredibly difficult when I just want to save out all maps without having to keep hitting save.

    Sometimes saving the maps out from this causes crashing too, but not as rare as hitting the cancel button which immediately brings this up:


    and then this:


    Issue #3 Trying to enable cross app with marmoset. The .tbmat file it creates is empty always regardless of whether or not I save the maps out before.
    my marmoset version is 2.08

    There are some other errors I've ran into but cannot recreate. The cancellation error isn't as big a deal as the first one where it doesn't save out the full res or give me cross app function.
    I prefer working in marmoset over 3do not that its bad but it doesnt have the ability to customize lighting as much as I would like.

    If there is any solution to this that would be fantastic.
  • Jimonions
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    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    It's been over a month, whats going on.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Jimonions! I'm terribly sorry about the late response. Please reach out to me at jonathan @ quixel . se and we'll work this out for you. :smile: 
  • Jimonions
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    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    I think I actually just found out what was wrong. I remembered that I had a problem with ue4 not running properly when installed on my external. So I did a fresh, complete, reinstall of quixel on my main and it appears to be working fine now. All the errors I was getting don't appear anymore and things are saving properly.

    I had forgotten It was even installed on my external until now or I would've done it ages ago. You can go ahead an mark this one as solved thanks.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    That's fascinating! Thank you for reporting this. I'll forward it along to Teddy and make sure he's aware of it. :smile: 

    If for any reason you do end up having problems, don't hesitate to e-mail me!
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