Hi guys & gals. My current personal project is a stylized enviro piece as seen in the concept here.
Concept Art Credit: danimation2001 on DeviantArt http://danimation2001.deviantart.com/art/Trade-house-268587888
I found the style and design adorable, though as you can see there are a lot of critical design flaws that look great but don't translate well to 3D as-is (roof tiles, intersecting logs thanks to warped perspective, etc.)
My goals here are to use the concept as inspiration, to follow it as best I can but make changes where practical/I see fit. Not aiming for a 1:1 reproduction of the concept (though as much as possible I will). Hand sculpting and painting will be how I'll hope to get it looking sexy in the end.
It's been too long since I've done a project like this from start to finish so this should be a good learning & practice exercise for myself. And hopefully some fun!
Sculpting Time:
Log 1 (of several), still work-in-progress, currently at "time to sleep" stage of work.
Cheers for the feedback Uberren, I sadly have to agree. I'll go back to the stone later on after completing some of the more important pieces; I'm undecided how many different types I'll need, but I should be able to crisp this one up at least so it doesn't look so much like clay (thanks matcap).
I'll echo Uberren, you've lost the nice sharp lines and planar faces of the stone. The sculpting on the wood beam is great, matches the style perfect and you'll get excellent normal detail from it.
Keep up the great work, excited to see the piece progress!!
Just did some more quick rock sculpt variation before bed; is this more along the lines of what I should be aiming for here? More crisp planar work and less bulge?
Cheers Aaron, appreciated!