Hi guys ,
This is my first foray into the wilderness that is steam's workshop, i've decided to do a set for Axe partially inspired by the style of Warhammer 40k's Orks.
It has the weakness of not having an initial concept just making this as i go along.
Please leave some feedback on the style and colors
And this an early WIP of how it looks in-game (back when we still had workshop submissions)
As for Axe being a brute, that's what i wanted to emphasize with the heavy iron parts scrapped from some defeated mech
Outside of his weapon that should release bursts of steam whenever he get a counter helix off it's mainly just metal, without any mechanical function
and thanks for the crit
Also, do you know how i can edit dota 2 animations and upload them , since axe's attack animation is bugged, i'd like to fix it for this set.
As usual, feedback on the set is really apreciated
Any thoughts on the concept? do you guys think this has any chance on the workshop?
But since you've already done the set you might as well submit it whether it's gonna do well or not! Won't know if you don't try :P It's a good start for a first set anyway.
You are right about it needed some more visual interest as right now it's kind of flat , thanks
As for the futuristic part, i guess it's mainly the shapes, since there's nothing really futuristic in the details, probably the helmet is the most guilty of being futuristic
I'll see what i can do, thanks for the crits
I haven't tried it yet, but do you know if you can import the .vmdl you compile in the item tools into the workshop to add particles to it? I'd like to try some out before submitting this
anyway, here it is again, but this time i'll call it done.
Thanks for the feedback