Hey All! Just working on a new concept/model in the WoW style. Love the Game, Love the Art. I posted this not to long ago, but my time has recently freed up so I can progress on it! Heavily inspired by the change of the seasons. Autumn always brings inspiration. I found this image and started from there.
So from that, I decided to create a character inspired by some of the major things that I think of when Autumn comes to mind. Here is my concept of the Owlkar. I wouldn't call these a final concept, but it very much has the vibe I am going for.
Here is my first pass of the model. There are typology issues I will clean up on my second pass, but for now, the initial body silhouette of what I am going for is there. Just needed to hammer out the idea.
My next post should show my topology changes as well as pushing the silhoutte/proportion to make the character differentiate from the Worgen Model a bit more. I'm having such a positive experience with this design and man, it's just fun.
Made a second pass on the Owlkar last night. Improved upon some of the topology issues as well as silhouette. His posture will be getting an update soon as well so that he will be leading with his chest more than his head so that the neck is defined in the silhouette.
Awesome concept overall.
Made a third pass last night and got to a very happy place with the posture and balance. Next up is some minor changes to the hands girth. Gotta make him feel pulpy!
His posture is definitely looking better. I think a lot of the other critiques are pretty spot on with arm/hand length. The ends of his claws come just above the knee in your concept. This is of course only if you want to stick to the original concept. If you're shifting to a more feral stance/look this can work.
Really looking forward to seeing this finished!
@Chronicle Yea dude, you and I are on the same page! I think extending the talons as well as slimming down the shin area will help convey more of the owl predator vibe as well! Good eye, and thanks!
@Seiba Thanks! Yea the more I work on it, it seems the less feral it becomes and closer to the concept XD...It's evolving!!
This was one of the very first test pieces...
It resulted in this mess...stop it Sean...stop it...
It took me about three times to understand a progressive workflow in establishing my values.
Mediums used:
0.7mm Lead Pencil
Colored Pencil
Acrylic Paint
Since I am just now exploring this pipeline of mixing mediums, I feel that this is a big move forward for me.
This is the current state of the Owlkar head as it stands. If you look closely you can see my brush strokes and colored pencil scratches. Loving the chaos I'm creating with this haha! Things will be tightened up, and colored slightly adjusted on the digital side of things, but I'm excited with this direction!
Until tomorrow,
Keep rocking!
Made another pass on the back of the chest plate as well the belt strap. the overall values are off at the moment, but I'll adjust as I paint more pieces. Kind of hard to make everything feel good until I paint errrrrything. So yea, here is the current state for today's update.
The pose still feels a bit odd compared to the concept. The arms looks very long and give it a more hunched/monkey feel to it.
The concept has shorter arms (hands reach the crotch vs the knees on the model).
The face could use some brighter yellows and darker shadows for more pop. It feels slightly desaturated right now.
Thanks for all your thoughts all! Really awesome hearing from this many artist!
I think it'd be kinda cool to integrate wings or tailfeathers into the design. Maybe the former as a cape or the latter as a coat thing.
Definitely subscribed to see where you take him further. The idea of using traditional media in the texturing process is an interesting concept...although I don't necessarily see that coming through in the diffuse painting you have this far. Are you going to use that as a form of overlay later on?
One thing I would call your attention to (if someone hasn't already) is the topology for his shoulders/arms. You see the lack of geo in his armpits? Animators would hate you for that. I'm not sure if animation-friendly topology and optimization is an objective for you, but rigging and posing a character without the proper edge loop support can get tricky. It can end up limited any movement the character has in those areas without getting some pretty nasty stretching. It's also why most T-poses raise the arms up a bit more to either 45 degrees or straight 90. I'f you're not planning on doing anything more than some slight posing, then I wouldn't worry about it, but just something to consider now while you're still early on in the painting phase.
Basing my reference off of this image.A single edge loop between the chest and the shoulder.
I also built a quick rig in Zbrush to test the major stretch areas, and it wasn't too bad. I think my characters pauldrons will cover it up for the most part!
So another update on the ol Owlkar. I made a big push on his assets as well as trying to step out of my comfort zone and test some new tools. All the armor and cloth assets were painted digitally in 3d Max's Viewport Canvas. its like a less detailed version of 3D Coat. It was a bit strange at first, but I really fell right into a new comfort zone with it. It has made it so much easier for me to really progress. I still need to paint some of the form shadows on the armor, as well as pop some of the highlights on them as well. then finish the talons on his feel.Then once I feel my lighting is at a good place, onto his weapon!
Thanks for all your feedback guys!
Thanks for all the feedback! It's greatly appreciated!
This update I did a bit of tiny detail work. painted in highlights, pushed saturation in some parts.. There is a few color corrections I want to make. but I should be able to get him to a point where I am happy this weekend.
Also Sketchin out a new Spear design for him as well
Made a 15 min vid of me paitin on my model. It's in real time, and focuses on the talons.