Hey everyone,
I had to uninstall my copy of Max 2014 today, because I somehow managed to get rid of my Unwrap UVW modifier (don't ask how, I have no idea. It just seemed to have vanished.)
Anyway, I decided to take the opportunity to upgrade to 2015, only problem is though, I only get the option to install straight from Autodesk's Website, which means it continually tries to install to my C: Drive, which isn't something I'm able to do (My C is just big enough for my OS and nothing else)
So now, I'm stuck downloading 2013, because it's the only version they seem to let you download as a regular download, instead of using their weird Installer tool. Is there any way around that though, that I'm missing? I'm going to be upgrading from an Educational to Professional license soon and don't want to be stuck on 2013 because of my C: Drives memory restrictions.