This is really stupid question, but is baking normals necessary for all assets in games? To bake, for example handrails and such would be a very time consuming.
I have seen a lot of tangent basis discrepancy in triple-A games and some of them don't even bother with baking for other than weapons and key NPCs and maybe some key assets.
Are non -baked props worth of anything for game designers?
Basicaly,this technique uses more geo on you props to give them details that had to be made with a Normal Map.All other small details are added with a tilling Normal Map created specificaly to have details that can be populated on a wide range of assets within a game project/environment.
Obscura has a great thread about this workflow.
Now for creating a handrails,i wouldn't go with a normal map at all,and from what I've seen in most games they just slap a color+some scratches on it,mostly shader based stuff.It's a very simple material so no need to add custom baked map,unless specified.
Indeed this workflow has really great benefits as we can build asset library which is not connected to meshes.
I created these handrails today. Simple smoothing groups in Max.
This is an old piece from Snefer,and as you can see everything is smartly placed,from the scratches to the over/underpaint details,etc...
Having a Normal Map helps a lot to get these results,but if you choose to work without one just try to reduce the rust and locate it on some specific places in your UVs.
I also get the sense that my models could use a bit more geometry.
I will post my results of the revision tonight.
Sorry for my a bit confusing question. Actually what I meant was that if you were in my shoes, making modular staircase pieces, would you give each poly (for example individual steps) it's own unique UV space or would you overlap them to save space? Benefits of each are of course obvious, unique UV space would allow more freedom for texturing but texture space would be lost.
This whole staircase is now about 4000 quads. Is it a bit much for a game engine?
4000 quads isn't much but actually I can't really imagine how you could spend this amount of geo on this object. Could we see wires?
Overlapping UV's is no problem. Stack those foo's.
That's great trick! We could make it look like its really actually built from modules. Put a trim there, yeah! Actually bridges and almost all such elements are modular, so its matter or research.