Hey y'all, I'm having this issue where sometimes my 3ds max viewport becomes really inaccurate, and it's being an absolute pain!
(attached image) The vertex + wireframe starts to look slightly offset from the shaded model, and when trying to select individual vertices the actual vertex slection "area" is offset (pink dot) from where it's actually shown (blue dot). This is random (it's not consistenly offset on top for example), and the problem persists even if I go into wireframe view. I do notice that it tends to happen when I'm zoomed in close. As you can imagine, it makes trying to select vertices a nightmare as I'm hovering round and round the vertex trying to find it to select it!
Has anyone else experienced this, and do you know why / how to solve it? Is it some setting thing I can tweak, or some 3ds bug I'll have to live with?
Any light shed on this is much appreciated.