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la p

Based off the original costume design by Leon Bakst for the 1912 ballet, La P


  • raleif

    Concept and design.

    I'll keep this post short for now, but thought I should include the concepts I've been working off of.


    Top left corner is the costume design from Leon Bakst, and the main inspiration for my pose/character design. There were some things I decided to change from the original design, not first of which is her broken neck, ha.

    I was mainly not a fan of three things:
    - Her crown design
    - Her pose was a bit too sensual for the character, although I have no problem with the nudity. Mainly I wanted her to be a little less coy and a little more caught in the moment of pure freedom and dance. I really don't think I achieved this... yet.
    - Her slipper, which I haven't even modeled so I won't go into this yet

    The image to the top right is by one of my favorite artists, Gustave Moreau. I was looking for a different crown design than the one Leon Bakst drew, and behold! Moreau had done a sketch of La Peri once upon a time. Many of his paintings have very elaborate crown designs, and I decided that would be the most fun route.

    The below images are of different performances of La Peri in costume. When it comes to modeling her garments, I might look to those for inspiration. They also show just how crazy her crown can be.

    Thanks for reading and looking.
  • raleif
    DESIGN ADVICE: Crown deco style, 1 or 2?


    So last night I was doing some work on the crown decorations.
    So far I've just been making whatever the hell happens to strike my fancy at the moment, which has led to some fun little ornaments, but nothing very cohesive.

    Now the more I looked at the crown, the more annoyed I got at the decoration on the side of the crown in particular (fig1 "First Option"). I love the way the flower and leaves turned out, but I don't think it reads well from far away, and I really don't think it matches the design of the other flowers.

    So I made the "Second Option", which I think reads better farther away and fits the other design better.

    Here's another side by side comparison, showing the total lack of cohesion:


    But, after a good night's sleep (and by good night's sleep I really mean 3 hours, ya~y...) I still can't decide which is better.

  • cgBrad
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    cgBrad polycounter lvl 5
    I like them both but would lean toward the the flower.
  • raleif
    cgBrad: Thanks for the comment! I think I prefer the flower over the curl, too, in terms of pure design. My biggest worry is it just becomes a noisy mess unless you're looking at a close up shot, which is why I lean towards the curl...

    Also these guys bother me more than the central design (below pic). Maybe if I re-make these I'll feel better about the flower option.

  • amirabd2130
    Offline / Send Message
    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    I also prefer the flower :)
    looking forward to this
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