Hello !
I'm wanting to learn the basics of game asset creation and I'm not really sure where to begin. I've scoured the net for tutorials however I think it'd be better to ask here.
Perhaps some of you have bookmarked pages you wish you had found earlier etc.
Could anyone kindly share some websites they've personally used that can help shed some light on the process and where I should first start.
I use Modo if that's any help
sorry if this thread isn't in the correct place. I couldn't find a tutorial tab.:)
For Modo tutorials I imagine youtube should have more than enough to get you going
Just remember that you can apply any tutorial to the package you're on, it may have different tools or workflows but it's all the same in the end!
Good luck!
Edit: Roboy beat me to it!
If anyone else has useful websites or information please do share, greatly appreciated x:)
Thank you so much! can't wait to go through it all<3 ty ty