I'm making a zsphere base mesh to sculpt on and i got this weird problem with a zsphere that is not connected to anything, is this something ordinary that i stumbled upon or is is a glitch?
Its really strange because ( im not a pro by any means ) i've done some digging around google and i learned that there are "magnet" spheres that are made by ALT+click-ing on a zsphere... so i thought maybe i accidentally made one ... nope it does not behave like that.
Is there a way to get rid of it? something like CTRL+SHIFT hide and DelHidden?? or am i stuck with remaking the model from scratch?

Also, this is a noob question, but maybe i can get one of the things sorted, i get this weird crunching when making adaptive skin... thought it was order in which i made zspheres but tried to recreate the problem and couldnt... maybe the stray zsphere is causing overall bad results on adaptive skin ???
