you can copy/paste the animation from one leg to another, using graph editor or timeline, but leg as FK, and then when you have the animation pasted, switch back to IK.
What problem specifically are you encountering? the other leg dos not take the animation when pasted?
Hrm, weird - when I've tried it previously I couldn't copy from the graph between two different controllers._. Worked now... Dammit, wish I knew what I did wrong previously...
Thanks, Polymover:)
Is there any good way to invert the X-axis (Scale multiple keys with -1)? I'm kinda new to the MoBo-experience...
(to fix this:
I am not very familiar with motionbuilder but in maya you select all the keys you want to change and put in the value this ----> *=-1 and it will change everything to his opposite value , maybe its worth a try instead of changing it 1 by 1 :P
What problem specifically are you encountering? the other leg dos not take the animation when pasted?
Thanks, Polymover:)
Is there any good way to invert the X-axis (Scale multiple keys with -1)? I'm kinda new to the MoBo-experience...
(to fix this: