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Another Portfolio Critique

polycounter lvl 9
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noosence polycounter lvl 9
Just update some stuff on my portfolio, removed some assets that weren't that strong. Looking for some more critiques. Also, would it be possible/okay to buy a domain and have it forward to my artstation so that I can get rid of the ugly .artstation.com off the end?

*EDIT* I can't see my signature so I'm adding a link to my portfolio just in case it isn't showing for you as well.

*EDIT* I forgot to say thanks in advance for checking this out, I'm sorry it's very late here o.O but thank you for your time =D


  • chriszuko
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    chriszuko polycounter lvl 12
    I am about 99% certain that you can setup mikehale.com or w/e and have it forward automatically to mikehale.artstation.com. I think with godaddy it literally is just under a forwarding section when you edit your domain. But yea look up domain name forwarding.

    Portfolio critique-wise, don't take this the wrong way but what do you want people to say at the moment? It looks very empty or unfinished rather. Your pieces you do have are only 2 pictures each except for the ground texture thingamajig. So you definitely are going to need to really spend some time showing how cool your guns really are! (More angles, wireframe shots, textures)

    I also don't know exactly how artstation handles their templates and editing, but the left aligned I personally am not a huge fan of. Also, I definitely think you need bigger thumbnails on the main page. Typical monitor resolution nowadays is 1920x1080, so fill dem pixels up!

    In the end to me it just seems like you need to spend some time really showing off what you have. That's all i got. Hope this is helpful!
  • noosence
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    noosence polycounter lvl 9
    So I have updated the E-11 with some more relevant pics. Is this about the amount of content I should have? Also you think I should just get a custom site to better host my pics? I was only using Artstation because it didn't have any sort of bad rep (as it is with wix, blogspot, etc) and also because I have very limited html experience. But thank you again, I really dig your cave environment it's been a huge inspiration for me, so again thanks for taking the time to help a newb out =D
  • EightBitRemix
    The pieces you do have look great, but like chriszuko says there isn't too much. I really like the breakdown of the first gun, it would be great to see that done for the second weapon. This might just be my screen but your homepage looks very bare, it doesn't even take up the first third of the screen. Perhaps a different design could make it feel a bit more full?

    If you haven't already read it I very much recommend reading this. I've just graduated so I'm currently in the process of trying to update my own portfolio and that article has helped me a bunch. :)
  • JamesArk
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    JamesArk polycounter lvl 10
    The presentation of the guns would be my biggest criticism. The blaster is never really shown in a flattering angle where its easy to tell what it actually looks like. A lot of the pictures have it facing the camera almost directly as well as some hefty depth-of-field also obscuring most of the model. Something like these would be a much more appealing way to present it: http://polygoo.com/m1014, http://www.davidmilligan.net/?id=item17. Similarly, a couple of the shots, and one of the pistol, have the model shown twice or overlapping which kind of falls under the same problem.

    Texturing wise, the blaster's materials are very uniform so it comes across as a little flat. The scope looks great and is, in my opinion, the single best image that you have. The pistol is more visually interesting but the rust seems a little too evenly distributed and the handle is a little muddy/doesn't read super-clearly as wood. The high polys for both props look very nice.

    I really like the muddy ground material and would definitely like to see it in an environment.

    Also, one small typo:

    "i am self-taught and strive everyday to learn and grow more."

    Overall: more stuff and more polish, but you're off to a good start :thumbup:.

    Hope this helps!
  • noosence
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    noosence polycounter lvl 9
    I didn't even notice but you're right, all the action shots make it look like a bad Steven Seagal flick. I'll get to work on fixing that =D Also I will do a break down of the second gun as well, I might wait until I get time to rework the textures a bit. I will also try to get time to rework the textures on the blaster. If anyone else notices anything let me know, but thanks for the awesome crits so far, I guess I will recede into the cave and get to work. *vanishes into puff of smoke*
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