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Sketchbook: Jaik Opperman

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Jaik vertex
Hey everyone!
First post in here because this is kinda the first 3D thing I have done worth showing since I primarily work in 2D. Basically copied this post across from my finals thread since I couldnt be bothered re-doing a whole post.

For the last couple of months I have been taking Dan McGowans' Robotpencil mentorship in 3D Environment Design. I went into it knowing basically nothing about 3D, maybe 20% of the terms used, and barely knowing my way around zBrush and Maya. From there Dan - I'm not going to say nurtured, because thats too gentle of a word.. - kicked my ass until I managed to produce this.

All in all I am fairly happy with it.Theres still tonnes of things I would like to change, but its time to let this one lie and move onto the next one. But I would be thoroughly pleased if all of you here could tear it to shreds so I know what to improve and focus on next time.

Always open to critiques. I am starting work on an exterior environment and will post my progress here as well.







  • Jaik
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    Jaik vertex
    Hey all, starting a new environment. Exterior environment this time. Got started on some modeling (see next post)

    Decided to do this one since it is a completely new set of skills require to do this kind of stuff but I think I have bitten off more than I can chew :P
  • Jaik
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    Jaik vertex
    So I have a whole range of problems.

    First pic I actually dont have a problem with, just a standard HP to LP workflow. Gotta get into texturing, not sure how well I will got at texturing. I want to try and do a procedural texture for the rocks and see how that turns out.

    Second Pic: My lp to HP workflow broke down on this one. Usually I dynamesh it own, but dynamesh really messes this one up. So I spent the better part of a day doing a retopo in topogun which turned out well and will work perfectly. But I want to try and do it a bit faster next time, so any other approaches I can try?

    And the third pic is of the HP roots, but this didnt really work out for me since the UV are ridiculously hard to manage, so I am thinking of doing 2-3 smaller root systems, UV them and move them around and vary them around. Again, not sure if this is the best way. Would love anyones opinion.
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