That's nDo2, the old version of NDO. The previewer is completely remade for the newer version (it's now called 3DO) and doesn't allow for the transparent background of the previewer unforunately.
I assume there is some technical reason why its gone that i won't bug you about, but i hope it makes a comeback. I was super excited when i first saw it because it removed so much useless space blocking the workspace.
Like here, you were painting between the clip and the grip. Very cool.
We have lots of store for 3DO and the SUITE overall which will hopefully make you feel better about working with the SUITE. Stay tuned for more information here and on our facebook page!
That's using the legacy dDo and a lot has changed since. You should be able to maximize the window in 1.8 as well though?
That's nDo2, the old version of NDO. The previewer is completely remade for the newer version (it's now called 3DO) and doesn't allow for the transparent background of the previewer unforunately.
Like here, you were painting between the clip and the grip. Very cool.