I've been rebuilding my portfolio map in UE4 with the help of SD and moving along pretty smoothly. Emissive maps I have, are turning out blurry. If it was just a light, it wouldn't bother me as much but they are a touchscreen and there are details that cannot be seen. It's a blurry orange color. I also posted in UE4 Answer Hub. I've seen this happen with my materials before but it's usually a glitch and it fixes itself in time. The texture itself is quite blurry, not just the material. Yet the TGA file in Photoshop is crystal clear. Is there something I'm missing when it comes to importing particular textures that's changed since UDK?
what sizes does it say for "imported", "displayed", and "Max-in-game"?
You shouldn't need to do that. I would have changed which texture group it was in first.