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Updated Portfolio - Seeking Critique

polycounter lvl 3
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DarrenCTucker polycounter lvl 3
Hello Polycount!

I have recently updated my portfolio and seeking professional criticism, please feel free to tell me what works and what doesn't with my site. I am fond of creating both Character and Vehicle art and aim to further develop these skills.

Portfolio Link: http://darrenctucker.wix.com/portfolio

Please note that I am already aware that the .wix URL and advertising is not favorable and will be removed in time.

I look forward to your responses!


  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    Take out the "Female head piece". It is much worse than everything else.
    Other than that, great work. Maybe put some wires of the car?
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    I agree with pigart. Otherwise I don't have much to add other than suggest that you switch from wix to something else. I'm on a good connection and it still takes me way longer to load content on your site than it should, the wix promotions on the site are also very aggressive compared to other free alternatives such as wordpress or carbonmade.
  • DarrenCTucker
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    DarrenCTucker polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the feedback Pigart and Magihat. It's unfortunate that the Wix site has loading issues as this is an important element. I have replaced video files on the site with images that have links instead, to see if this helps at all. I will definitely look into other alternatives for the site as suggested. Also since the Female head Piece has multiple dislikes it has been removed.
  • Makan
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    Makan polycounter lvl 7
    Your work is great, i liked them all specially your vehicles, but i think you should work harder in your characters, you make amazing detail works but it feels you lost in proportion, and the connection you should get from the characters, which it leads to more practice with Drawing and Painting, i suggest you work harder in your drawing and painting skills to achieve better characters, actually drawing and painting helps for everything in CG, you get better lighting, better visual interest, better character personalities,better anatomy better cinematography..., Good Luck :)

    P.S your website is very nice and pro i don't see anything wrong.
  • DarrenCTucker
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    DarrenCTucker polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks Makan, I'm glad that you like the work on there. Character art definitely has its challenges and I plan to continuously put in time to improve what I can do. You're exactly right about drawing, it's definitely something to do regularly to further improve any art related skills. Always have to push for better! :D

    I have also reduced the file sizes on all imagery so the site should load quicker than before. On the 'WebPageTest' site it shows that the character page (Which had the most images) went from a ridiculous 21 second load time to a slightly better 12 seconds. Still not amazing but at least better, although for me it loads quite rapidly so the delay could be caused for various reasons.
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