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Scale up or split texture into 2

polycounter lvl 4
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asdaq polycounter lvl 4

I got a weird question from client that made me doubt what I know... and I ask for help.

I was asked to do create an asset (complex of buildings) with 4k set of textures (diffuce, spec, normal etc.) I did that and I got a message saying basically this:

"Ok, but we need small tweak: the texture resolution is too small in some parts and we don't see enough details. Can you do one of these things:
- either go up to 8k textures,
- or split each texture into two 4k ones."

I understand what they want but the part "small tweak" is weird for me. From what I know what the ask for is to completely redo the textures. New UVs, new, more detailed textures etc. or is there some magic trick I miss.
Cause if I just scale up the existing textures to 8k I want get any new details...

Any help will be appreciated.


  • asdaq
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    asdaq polycounter lvl 4
    Just a note: it's not for common game engines (Unity, Unreal etc) - hence the sizes of the textures.
  • doolally66
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    doolally66 polycounter lvl 2
    I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but to me it sounds like the client wants the textures re-done, but they don't realise what that involves. Since most textures can't simply be scaled up.
    An 8K texture is similar to 4x 4K textures as well, not 2. This sounds more like they don't fully understand.
    If you do choose the 8K path, you shouldn't have to re-UV at least.
  • asdaq
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    asdaq polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah, my bed, forgot to ask the question :)

    But you guessed it right, though. It's goes like: Do I miss smth or what the client asks for is to redo the textures. And it's not small tweak at all.

  • a3D
    Take 5 minutes to scale the texture up, then add sharpening filters or use the high-pass trick, do a "passable" job.
    That's a small tweak.

    If the client is okay with it, good.
    If not, tell them you have to re-do the texture from scratch
  • asdaq
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    asdaq polycounter lvl 4
    Don't think sharpenning wil do the trick but thank you for the suggestion.

    Thanks! That's gonna be one funny conversation. Although I am relived that's I know what I'm doing :D
  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    Such details as texel size should be set before you start. If you started without talking about details now he can ask you to tweak here and that....for ever.
    Have you asked for a reference models or sth. like that? It helps and set the standard.

    If that wasn't your fault he should pay you additionally for additional work.
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