Hi guys,
I feel completely stuck.. I need to make a sky with clouds texture and apply it to the sphere which will act as an atmosphere. No matter what I do I can't get seamless and undistorted texture on poles.
I thought of tennis ball-like unwraping as it's shown here:
But then I lose seamlessness on the edges where those two islands meet.
What is the workaround in such situations? Thanks!
Make a duplicate of the mesh and do a basic spherical uv layout as well. This will give you a hemisphere layout thats easy to paint on and avoid issues at the poles, and a standard layout that you can bake to to paint out seams on the equator.
Use max, xnormal, etc to bake the diffuse map back and forth.
Use whichever sky dome model is the most suitable for the final result.
BTW I wouldn't do what's shown in that tutorial above, I would bake the texture rather than distort it in photoshop.
EQ, sounds great but to be honest didn't quite understand the workflow.. Could you please explain that sphere baking procedure as a step by step guide or may be there are tutorials on this theme?
Thanks a lot!
Do you work in a game engine? In 99% of them skybox textures require special "tiling". Wrapping around or sth. like that; I don't remember, it should be in material/shader.
For instance:
Wrap mode here, I believe.