Hi there!
My name is Nareice. Little bit about myself:
Worked in the gaming industry for the past two years as a Games tester and an Assistant Producer. Currently working as a software tester as I am working on this project.
Okay, so Pandora is my little project I am working full force on.
It's a Hack and slash, with fantasy elements that incorporate culture from around the world into the different towns located in the game.
I have a GDD that came be easily accessed on Google Docs. There's a lot more information in there if you are interested.
What I'm looking for from a 2D artist are different art styles, mock-ups of the towns, character designs. Currently, there's not a big restriction, I'm very open to ideas! You'll be credited for however far the project will go, of course. Or hopefully, stay on the project churning out new ideas!

For a 3D art, I'm looking for some quick props at the moment to showcase a demo in late November. Taking a look at the concept art, and go wild with the modelling!
Contact me at
nareicewint@gmail.com for more info and the GDD.
So when I saw your post about your project and that you where after concepts and stuff I was like OMG, this sounds awesome.
Anywayz, if your still keen on getting some concepts and things like that, please let me know!
P.S, I cant send you a link to an online folio, however, I would love to email you some of my art if that would be okay with you?
Anywayz, I look forward to hearing from you.