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Technical Help plz!

polycounter lvl 9
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TheRod polycounter lvl 9
I am required to create an asset for an art test, with two LOD's one 1750 tris and another 300 both of which have to share the same texture space, how would i go about doing that? do i make the 300 tri first then UV it then up the res? or the higher version first UV n then the 300?


  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    Make the highest version and the use a mesh reduction tool. In max there is an optimizer and you can use proxys (or something similar) to transfer the rig. Anyhow doing a search will net you the right technique for your software.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Make the high version first and UV map it. You can remove geometry by hand, while keeping the UV layout intact as long as you don't delete a edge that is a texture border.

    When making lods in maya i keep my uv editor open in my 2nd screen so i can keep a eye on whats a texture border, and how my edits are effecting my uv space,
  • TheRod
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    TheRod polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks guys, will keep that in mind jsut wanted to make sure I did it in the right order :P another question, in my brief it says texel density has to be 256px per metre. So i made a 1mx1m plane n added a check on it thats 256px I'm assuming the resolution on the model will have to be at that size right? but if it is then I will require more UV's do you think it matters to have more than one UV?
  • TheRod
    Offline / Send Message
    TheRod polycounter lvl 9

    Is this correct? 256px texel density per 1m
  • TheRod
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    TheRod polycounter lvl 9
    Sorry bout this, thought general discussion would be ok will make sure to keep that in mind next time
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