Hello, i have a problem blending colors using 3DCoat software. I use it for handpainted stylized style texturing.
In Photoshop, i use brush similar to what Tyson Murphy showed in his 3DMotive tutorial about handpainitng weapon, and i love it. It works flawlessly.
When i try to paint in 3DCoat i cant do even a simple blending correctly, no matter what brush options i try. I feel like every brush stroke introduces hard edges (even with soft alpha), i try correct that my painting over it, that in turn introduces another hard edges that need to be painted over, and it never ending cycle.
To fix that i trying to use Smooth tool (Shift while brush is active) while it works a little, it is not even remotely enought strong to do blending tasks. And i have it power on 100. Tool options not allow go higher.
In Mudbox for example, "Blur" tool may be very strong, and it can blend color if you choose to do it that way.
In Photoshop, i never used any smoothing or smudging, i just blend everyhting using great brush, that Tyson Murphy shows.
So here i'm guys, asking you how you do it. I know many people using 3DCoat for those kind of texture painting. Please give me an advice if you know how to make it work.
Right in the official 4.5 release notes: http://3d-coat.com/3d-coat-45/
There is this picture:
On the right is pretty much what i get whatever brush setting i try. Very hard edges that are impossible to blend, because blending involves doing more strokes -> introductiong new hard edges.
Any ideas folks? Do you updated to 4.5?
Also, some recent topics on this subject over at the 3DC forum:
- go to brush options, check "Sharp Shape (Old Style)" to get a painting behavior that's slightly better
- pick a color between the two areas you need to blend and start laying down strokes gently
- keep picking colors from the viewport using the V key until you've got the blend you need
You can see that it's possible to get a good blend using these simple steps.
If you feel like this is too difficult you can always go to "Edit Projection in Ext. Editor" and do the blend in Photoshop.