Hi Polycount!
I done some sculpts in zbrush with the help of youtube mainly. And now I want to excel and get better at sculpting. I wonder now how to do this without spending money on online courses etc(In a perfect world I would do that but...The reason is that I'm studying engineering and dont have too much spare money left). This makes it hard for me to decide how to continue my zbrush learning I feel overwhelmed of where to start and what to do.
So is there any good tutorials online to follow for sculpting? (not basics for ex. how to sculpt instead tutorials on objects Being sculpted)
Or is it just to pick objects and getting reference images then trying to get as close as possible? And in this case where/with what should one start?
Maybe I need to add that my final goal is to get decent at sculpting characters and objects etc for games.
3DMotive: http://3dmotive.com/freebies/software/zbrush.html
Gnomon: http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/category/168/Free-ZBrush-Tutorials
Eat3D: http://eat3d.com/free?quicktabs_9=3#quicktabs-9
3DTotal: http://www.3dtotal.com/index_tutorial.php?catDisplay=3&p=1&sort=date&order=1&detailsoff=0&roPos=1
3DM3: http://www.3dm3.com/articles/category/zbrush/