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Star Citizen UE4

polycounter lvl 9
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oxblood polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys, working on this scene in UE4. Only just getiting started. Any thoughts would be great guys.

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  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Hey looking good so far! What I noticed right away is the cabinet thing in the back is more matte whereas yours is very metal looking. Also your walls look off. The left wall in the concept is more reflective, almost like plastic and they overall look more pristine. Same with the floor boards, yours need to be a little less grungy? Also, that diagonal bar thing on the right is too thick. Just what I saw!

    Anyway, looking really promising! Keep at it!
  • Matt_Billeci
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    Matt_Billeci polycounter lvl 7
    Looks like the length for everything could be a little longer. Especially the section for the bed. Your emissive lights on the walls and the bottom of the glass ramps should be wider as well. The two wood sections on the sides also look weird because theyre facing a different direction. It might look better if you have it facing the same direction as the rest of the wood. I know its super subtle, but even your ref has it facing the same direction.
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    good start
    I agree with Matt_Billeci about the length :)
  • Cpt_Balloonhands
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    Cpt_Balloonhands polycounter lvl 3
    Nice start! I think the planks in the floor should be more subtle. If you look at the concept the wood looks nice and smooth, which gives the scene kind of a new/slick/clean vibe. The wood in your scene right now looks old and worn out and the groves in between the planks are very dark.

    I would also think about raising the ceiling just a little bit. The windows in the concept seem bigger.

    Keep it up :)
  • EpicBeardMan
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    EpicBeardMan polycounter lvl 8
    Gonna keep an eye on this thread, good work so far.

  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
    thanks for the great feedback guys, ive adjusted the scene and added a couple small bits. Also i have toned down the wood but left a bit of variation in the roughness for the planks as i didnt want them to look too boring but I may still tone them down more.. and as for the blue mats i cant make out what material their supposed to be.. i thought they were carpet at first but they actually have a slight reflection so... idk there, anyway keep the feedback coming. You have all been great so far
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  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I wish the wood looked more flat and artificial like the concept. This is outer space, it should be flat, smooth, and clean, that's the style of everything else.
  • Doomathon
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    Doomathon polycounter lvl 4
    Hey great progress! Not sure if it is exclusively the lighting, but the room appears very dark. Like painting, it may help to squint at the concept to get some base values down, then work from there. I think overall the walls and such could use a lighter hue to them.

    The boards look better, and it may add more if you have the specular reflections more consistent. They are broken up too much by the roughness. Think of who would be walking on those boards, they look more like the floors of a gym than a pristine space room! It also seems like the two levels have different wood types in the concept?

    As for the blue mats, they look a pane of glass on top of some fabric. Not sure, but hey, sci-fi lol.

    Keep it up, this is looking awesome.
  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
    I have given this a little more love. what u guys think? ive made changes according to what you guys said. what u think now?
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  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
    still at it, anyone know how to get rid of these orange guide lines?

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  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    hit g, should do the trick
  • oxblood
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    oxblood polycounter lvl 9
    I thought that would do it but the actor toggle is already off and it never goes
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