so my problem is that the patterns on my low poly model looks extremely flat. is there a way to make the patterns more 'portruded' outwards? is there a setting on xNormal that can help achieve what i wanted?
and what is the use of Cage? is the reason why my model dont look the way it is because i dont use cage? and how is a cage made anyway? i search online but cant fine the answer.
Take your normal maps into photoshop and duplicate the layer. Then go to adjustments and select the levels option. On your duplicated layer, turn down the blue channel in the out put bar (white side) down to 127. Once that is done then set the layer to overlay and there you have a strong normal map.
Or you could take it into crazy bump or nDo and use their tools to amp it up.
First of all, the material and lighting in Marmoset are pretty flat.
If you want to bake an extrusion onto a flat area, without modelling the extrusion into the low poly you need to add more of a slope.
Also consider using tessellation + a height map.
Cage isn't the issue here.
more info here