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Can I break edge flow on sharp edges in a static mesh?

polycounter lvl 3
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Avvi polycounter lvl 3

Is the continous mesh any better than the split one?
In case of my modular building, a split mesh has 25% less triangles. Dividing edges and then removing doubles also takes a lot of time. Are there any reasons to use a continous mesh?

Just an example, not the real mesh:


  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    A lot of time? Dude there is 10? edges ;) With such simple meshes you have to do everything manually.

    Plus keep in mind that game engines optimize vertex position, it means that with distance you could get visible, blinking gaps on each connection ;/ Probably you will have to put edges a bit further.
  • Avvi
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    Avvi polycounter lvl 3
    Precision of vertex location, hm, that's an interesting clue. So you mean that exact the same vertex locations will compress to identical positions.

    (Hey, this just an example mesh :D It takes a lot of time in complex modular buildings)
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Does it looks any different in your opinion if you split? If not then you can split. Sometimes you won't be able to do this when you use baked normals.
  • DireWolf
    I see no reason personally.
  • Avvi
    Offline / Send Message
    Avvi polycounter lvl 3
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    Visually speaking they are the same, but depending on the shape it could be beneficial for you to make a model/portions of a model as one contiguous mesh. It just depends.

    Normal maps tend to bake much cleaner with airtight meshes, and there is less wasted UV space in your textures and lightmaps.

    With your specific example I would probably leave it split apart.
  • Avvi
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    Avvi polycounter lvl 3
    I did a test in Unity 5 (auto export from Blender through FBX). Unity automatically looks for 'unnecessary' edge splits and tries to merge it (Optimize Mesh tick box). I tested different compression methods. The results are as follows
    - continuous (welded) has no problems
    - split is also OK, as long as vertices are in exactly the same positions
    - slight (1 mm) poly offsets for intersection (theoretically prevents light leaking) causes problems with vertex positions (but only when the compression is enabled).
    - no light leaks in each case (with baked light nor with realtime shadows; Unity 5 handles it well. I remember that Unity 4 had problems with leaking often)
    - 1 px holes appeared in small objects



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