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Need Advice/Directions

After going though the forums and threads, I am still in the fence if I should drop from my current Game Art and Design Program, tuition money being the main issue. I am currently going on my 5th quarter but being around other students that don't give f*** and is kinda depressing. Don't get me wrong...I learned a lot from going to school but more in the sense of where and how to get started in a lot of the programs (3DS Max, Maya, Zbrush, Illustrator, Photoshop)....but most of the projects I've done, I felt like I've spend millions of hours online looking for tutorials...so basically I'm learning them by myself...

I feel like I'm way behind being 35 years old and looking for a new career in this field (medically discharged from the military). Looking at other people works is motivating and discouraging at the same time..."wow, he's only 25 and look what he can do"...and here I am 35 years old and struggling to learn the softwares!!! I would like to get some honest feedback/opinion on my current work and if this "old" dog can still be competitive in this field....All my current work are from school projects I've done..all work are also product of less than a year of jumping around from one software to another....Eventually, I would love to model/sculpt characters.


Need some brutal honest feedbacks!!! Thank you


  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Your stuff reminds me how what me and my classmates works looked like when we started (which is normal since it's new for you too). It's all about not giving up at point and focusing on your goals. Clich
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    It doesn't seem to me that you are getting the most out of the education you pay for. I'd like to note that I picked up like 2 of 3d modeling classes and the rest I learned online. Polycount has been helping me greatly over the years. And all for free. And I can work as hard as I want. I believe that you will get a lot out of this place if you become active here.

    With that said, it seems almost pointless for you to post WIP on deviantart. No one there cares. Post your stuff here. You will get lots more feedback. Including harsh truths you need to improve.

    You seem to be leaning toward making characters, so check out our monthly/bi-monthly character challenge. You will learn a lot and get good feedback from it.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Need Advice/Directions

    Just specialize and focus your portfolio on Star Wars specific content (characters, droids, from art books).

    You do that you should have at least a shot at getting at least "a job" (game, film, vr, toy, theme park) sometime in the next 10 years.
  • kolayamit
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    kolayamit polycounter lvl 13
    Just like most of the things in life, it will take time to get better. I am sure if you keep at it you work will improve.
  • pigart
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    pigart polycounter lvl 6
    MagicSugar wrote: »
    Just specialize and focus your portfolio on Star Wars specific content (characters, droids, from art books).

    You do that you should have at least a shot at getting at least "a job" (game, film, vr, toy, theme park) sometime in the next 10 years.

    What are you talking about? You can just focus on characters or environment and if you work hard daily I'm pretty sure you can get a junior position in 2-3 years.
  • flipside8404
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    Thank you for all the feedback. My health issues made the decision a lot easier for me. After spending 4 quarters at the school, I will not be returning this Fall quarter. I will just build on the basics that I learned so far and continue my "training" at home with free/paid tutorials.

    @PyrZern: thanks for the feedback. I followed your suggestion and made an Artstation account. You are right about Deviant Art, I have not received a single feedback from anybody. I also made a progression thread here to hopefully get some insight/feedback to continue growing in this field. I've been following the monthly challenges and will give it a try for the upcoming one.

    @kolayamit: You are right, I just need to keep at it..and I know it will take time. Hopefully, with the help of polycount community (critiques/feedback) I will get to the level I wanted to be and continue improving my skill

    I've seen a few post regarding the mentorship/patreon stuff around the forums. When should I start considering doing one of this things? Thanks
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