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The tiny community in the community

polycounter lvl 4
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derphouse polycounter lvl 4
So I'm kinda under the impression that the animation section here is a minority on Polycount? :D

Well at least I see so much activity and sharing going on with all the modeling and texturing on Slack.. and mayhaps a moderator in here could make it possible for an animation section on Slack? :D

Personally I think Slack is a much easier go-to place for communication and sharing.. and if other animators are up for it, could be awesome! :)

FYI to the ones that don't know, Polycount has a slack.


  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    give it time to grow. Animation section is barely 8 months old. For a very long time the only real animation community online was 11second (was 10second club), very much feature focused. There's not been a game focused animation community that I know of until now on Polycount.

    Polycount's 3D section is 9+ years old. Polycount itself is going on 11 or 12 years if not more.
  • derphouse
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    derphouse polycounter lvl 4
    Granted, you have a point for the size of it.

    The intention of getting a slack though, was specifically to keep it growing, and the timing would be neat, since there's always gonna be a topic every week ;D
  • slipsius
    The animation section is growing at a very nice rate, I think. People are posting more and more, and the new weekly themes seem to have people even more active.

    But yes. Give it time. It will get there.

    As for slack, how would that work for crits and stuff though? can you upload your videos to it? Not sure how it all works. But it would certainly be nice to keep everything in one place, instead of having everyone need 2 different things to be involved.
  • derphouse
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    derphouse polycounter lvl 4
    You have a point about keeping it in one place, and also thinking about timezones, the forum is probably a better place. I think it was more an inquiry as to whether there's other animators who would like to use Slack? - Maybe it's just me who feels it's more difficult to participate with the artists on Slack as an animator with the current chats :) - And would personally enjoy some animation talkz..
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    I'm all slack all the time, but honestly I never really use it for crits, just more just talking with other arts when I'm bored at work/lunch/rendering/loading/exporting etc.

    I know derp and I have talked on there, and it sounds like there will be an animation channel added eventually, but I think I'd only ever really post wipy shots or give light feedback.

    The forum will always be my go to for indepth crit, and general "serious" banter imo. Thats not to say the two are mutually exclusive, I would just say 9/10 I'll be on slack just to chat and 9/10 I'll get on polycount to either lay down, or receive knowledge.

    I think that if people want to jump on slack and talk bones and keyframes in an anim channel that would be dope, but I think its just all in addition to the forum, I mean theres always been hangouts, skype chats, IRC channels, now slack and I think they are all just great ways to meet new people and talk animation/art but I've always just viewed them all as branches off the great polycount trunk.

    I dont see why the two need to be closely related or mutually exclusive but I think that the more places I can talk about animation with people, the happier I am, especially if the places are related to polycount.

    I know the dota community has always been really good about having real time chat and hangout sessions in addition to having a real great forum. Its just all about what you want to put your time into and where you want to show off your work.
  • _adamturnbull
    I've never used it but I'd be up for using it just for general chat purposes. I've signed up but I'm waiting for an invite.
  • Arturow
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    Arturow polycounter
    We use it at work and its a a very powerful tool! we use it to crit and chat there ( talking in a freelancer perspective) , you can have channels with specific topics to talk about. When you upload a video you can't stream it there ,you need to download it.(unless you already uploaded it to vimeo or youtube)

    The mainly reason to us ( polycount forum animators ) to use slack will be to chat , in my opinion , because we already have the forum =P
  • _adamturnbull
    Is it worth us setting up a channel for animation? I've just been sent an invite to slack
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