So I am in the midst of picking up a character that I haven't touched in a while and I have come across a 'bump' in my process. Rather than doge this and come back to it later I've decided to simply assault this problem head on. The problem is sculpting light fur.
So I'm making this demon gal and her head is obviously going to be a goat's head. The problem is that goat heads often have either light fur or heavy fur. I decided to use light fur because it appears more feminine. The problem is how do I achieve this. I tried alphas but those didn't turn out so well.
Anyone got any leads, tricks, tips, or directions? If you do that would be awesome.
Here's the pick:

You could also try NoiseMaker if you're going for really short fur. You can find it under Tools-Surface.
Eventually this character will go into a game engine thus the fiber mesh part would be a bit problematic in terms of geo. I tried baking it out as a texture in xnormal but seems to come out with hit or miss results.
I'll try noisemaker and see if that works.