Hello , I have a problem right now with the FFD modifier in 3dsmax .... I have a scene with different objects and I was always able to modify all of them together , selecting them all , applying a ffd and then move the control points ...
after I installed win 10 I had to reinstall programs and all , so today when I go work on the same scene doing the same as above its not working anymore as it shoudl ,but it creates for each subobject a different lattice and when I move one control point it applies to each one of them , but since all of those objects are offsetted one from the other it doesn't give my expeted result I was used to have befoure ...
Can someone tell mw ehat is wrong and what can be the source of this? I used to use this FFD a lot and now it become useless to me if I can't use as befoure
Reset xforms?
Reset Max to default settings?
Group then FFD?