Hey there everybody!
I just found this amazing site filled of great artist! Maybe someone could help me with a tedious task I wanted to achieve!
I am trying to model a sphere with a subtracted star but I want to make it with the proper way! Using quads and right stuff as you all know!
I am making this for personal achieving and studying!
I take this challenge to learn a bit more of 3D modelling!
Take a look at the attached images so you can see what I have done!
You'll get the Idea of what I want!
I thinks this is harder than I thing so this is why I am asking here for some tips!
At the moment I can't get the points of the star sharp, I am getting rounded ones! and I do not know how to get it!
Hope you can throw me some tips!
Thanks in advance!!!
Oh! I am using C4D for modelling!
How you model dem shapes?
for your specific thing, you're getting round points because you have no supporting edges near the points to help keep them sharp.
If you want sharp points on the star and a smooth sphere also, you're going to want to increase your subdivisions on the base sphere quite a bit before cutting the star detail in.
Really appreciate it!
BTW Can you tell me what “Dem shapes” mean?
"dem" or "them" instead of "those"
An informal way of speaking
(by the way, I found that link because I was puzzled by the thread's title as well)
Pura Vida!