Ok I need to change the UV texture space to an A3 ratio without the texture map becoming stretched.
So if you see here, I want to change the width of the space to incorporate the unwrapped parts on the right, but when I change the width it stretches everything like this.
What you can do to "un-deform it" (as I assume you want to print this, or use a scanned A3 image as a texture?) is scale down the UVs horizontally by the A3 aspect ratio.
A square is 1:1 (aspect of 1.0) but A3 landscape is 42:29.7 (aspect of 1.41 recurring, the reciprocal of which is 0.707). Therefore you can either use a UVW XForm modifier with a scale of 0.707 on the U axis, or you can use the transform type-in in the Edit UVWs window to scale the UVs down to 70.7% of their original width.
This will result in the correct aspect ratio. You can then continue to edit the UVs at this aspect ratio and everything should be ok!
So unwrap everything into a UV area of (0,0) to (1, 1/sqrt(2) which is about 0.707). You should be able to print that out exactly onto any A sized paper.
If you want to put an A sized texture back onto it for some reason, scale the UVs from the origin by 1.41 in the "short" axis. Then your A sized texture will fit the 0-1 UV space with no stretching.