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So, I'm looking for studio work, where do I post?

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killnpc polycounter
I am just some artist, looking for studio work, I'm not looking to hire, I'm not looking for freelance...

In these two posts, I'm told I'm shitting on people's carpet by posting in the wrong sub-forums, I can't find it, please help grandma. *pinches your cheek* (your face-cheek)

While we're at it, could a Mod pretty-please delete these two posts to remove my clutter?

I must be going crazy because I cannot determine which of the Work Opportunity sub-forums I'm supposed to post under.

So I'm looking at the options:
  1. Full time/Part time work (In-house, paid job opportunities)
    This forum provides a place for PAID job postings. This means fully established companies looking to hire staff for a full/part time employment with benefits.

    I'm not a fully established company, so NOPE?
  2. Freelance Job Postings
    This forum is for companies or individuals looking to hire video game artists for compensated freelance work.

    I'm not looking to hire freelance artists, also NOPE?
  3. Artist Looking For Freelance Work
    This forum is for video game artists looking for compensated freelance work.

    Ah ha! I am a video game artist, BUT... I am not looking for freelance work, maybe NOPE?
  4. Royalties or Post-Launch Compensation Work
    This forum is for individuals or independent teams looking to contract artists where compensation is based on royalties of their product or post-launch compensation.

    Royalty work? Like AFTER I do the work? probably NOPE.
  5. Unpaid Work (General requests, mod teams, niche projects, etc.)
    If you're looking for something for free (models, textures, mod help), post your request here. This forum is for mod teams looking for artists and unpaid requests.

    Work for Free? NOPE!

Grandma KP



  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Well as I see it, if you are not looking for freelance work, then you shouldn't post anywhere.

    The first sub-forum you posted, is where studios list their open positions, look there for something that interests you and apply.

    Should be very possible for you to find something fairly quick :)

    Also adding "Looking for work" in you signature cant hurt.
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Hehe, well, freelance does seem to be where things are headed but, I do enjoy the studio environment, face-to-face, smell-to-smell, I want to get strep throat from my talented coworkers.

    And, I mean, I will be applying to companies I'm interested in directly, once I pull together a package for them but, in the meantime, I'd like to throw out a net, in case there are companies I don't know about that might be interested, ya heard?

    I hope you're right about finding a job quickly, I'm having a hard enough time finding the right forums to post in.

    Gimmie da link!
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, working in a studio is good, smell, throat and all that...

    I noticed you posted on twitter, so I retweeted that, maybe it gets some traction.
    Also you could try facebook, not sure where else really.
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Thanks for the retweet. I deleted my Facebook and G+ accounts because timesink and big brother, like if you agree.

    so about that sub-forum...
  • Stromberg90
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter

    Nope, that was the second time I tried. My post is there at the top titled, "Looking for studio work".
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I'm don't think polycount has a subforum for when looking for studios, it's more the other way around.
  • firestarter
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    firestarter polycounter lvl 19
    It's kind of curious that we've never had such a sub forum on PC. There's surely some logic behind it?
  • skankerzero
    I always felt we should rename the 'looking for freelance work' to just 'looking for work' and allow people to state if they're looking for freelance or studio work.

    I'll bring it up when I get home and perhaps get it changed.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    I always felt we should rename the 'looking for freelance work' to just 'looking for work' and allow people to state if they're looking for freelance or studio work.

    I'll bring it up when I get home and perhaps get it changed.

    I like this idea, a lot.
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    I second this motion!
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    This seems all too strange. If your looking for studio work, look at studios that are hiring: Gamasutra jobs, the job listings on polycount, Microsoft hiring forms, Zenimax hiring forms, all parent company hiring forms, studio websites, (Bioware, Monolith, 343, etc.) I think there is even a games industry studio world map you can look at. All else fails, try personal contacts, linked-in, make contacts, ping people... it goes on and on and on. So my understanding is that you want all these people and companies to come to you?!!? on a polycount form? This is not efficient. It's a spray and pray move at best. The only thing I can guess at, is that you want to get your portfolio out there? So just post a "portfolio review" in the crit section and mention your looking for a gig.
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Well, polycount helped me get into the industry to begin with. The forum basically helped mold me into the horrible creature I've become. I'm responsible for the other half and the companies I've worked for I'd credit half of that. It's a lot of halving math, I know but, what I'm getting at is a majority of the jobs I've secured, the best ones, were thanks to polycount.

    I'm positive recruiters browse these forums and hell, I'm often asked if I know of any good [insert role here]s that I could recommend and that'd definitely be a place I'd sniff at.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I'm gonna presume that the studios already get way too many ppl apply directly to them there's no need for them to look outside. "Oh, if they want to work with us, they will come to us." maybe ? Even though they also use recruiters who do the opposite thing as well....

    Industry is weird.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    killnpc wrote: »
    Thanks for the retweet. I deleted my Facebook and G+ accounts because timesink and big brother, like if you agree.

    so about that sub-forum...

    I can not like grandma, halp!

    I thoroughly enjoyed all your posts lol also, sounds right to me pyr.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I agree, there should be a subforum for that. Sure, some companies get a lot of people applying, but let's say one of them likes the polycount community, they can check here, see work quickly, and shoot a PM or email saying they may be interested. Seems like a very logical system to have.

    And could be a quick way of getting your name/work out there to companies you might not know exist, without having to rewrite and personalize clich
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    PyrZern wrote: »
    I'm gonna presume that the studios already get way too many ppl apply directly to them there's no need for them to look outside. "Oh, if they want to work with us, they will come to us." maybe ? Even though they also use recruiters who do the opposite thing as well....

    unless it's applicatons for a specific position that needs filling that get reviewed in a kind of formal process i've seen it more often that they ask around internally for recommendations and approach people directly. especially when projects come of the ground step by step. also departments may be looking well before there are any official adverts and they might do these as a last resort kind of thing.

    the flood of speculative applicants is time consuming to sift through and from what i've seen there are so few in there that meet the qualifications, they probably get lost very easily in the sea of applicants. it's like all the graduates from all the art schools applying. everytime :). and lots and lots of people from far away where the visa process is another hindrance to consider.

    btw. i agree about having a general looking for work forum and have people state what they are after!
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Big companies will never really look for people themselves. They do post "we are looking for these people" type posts and then a zillion people email or PM them. So, I think that is why a subforum for what you're looking for doesn't exist.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I mean, I'm sure it DOESN"T hurt to change the 'looking for freelance work' to include studio work too. or just add another one there. BUUUUUUT, it won't solve anything. It will be the SAME thing. Everyone of us just gonna run there and make a thread of us. Then everyone will get flooded by someone else. Everyone has a thread; nobody has a thread. It will be pointless. I doubt the companies will want to shift thru countless polycount threads instead of countless direct applications they currently get....
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    I'm certain adding and changing the forum structure creates a lot of unwanted work and even moderation efforts months down the line.
    DavidCruz wrote: »
    I can not like grandma, halp!
    This made me chortle.

    And this is a bengal cat.
  • ikken
    having facebook just for the sake of keeping past co-workers connected helps a little bit - you can also treat big brother to same delicious food pictures and cats and gifs (I spice mine up with celebrity stories, and personal TMI, so it adds up to the fun of procrastinating online.)

    there're a few linkedin gamedev recruiter groups which in my experience are pretty useless, it's all mostly people you know in person pointing you towards a studio they know that needs/will soon hire artists,
    and handing out business cards during meetings/conventions if you can afford travel or stuff is happening @ w/e you live at the moment.

    gamedevmap is good as well, btw.
  • EarthQuake
    Hey guys, we've changed the looking for freelance work section to a general purpose looking for work sub-forum. http://www.polycount.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=51
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    And there we have it; another thread to spam in. (like, once a week or something)
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