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DavidCruz interpolator

Told a few peeps i would make a thread for these two so here it is.

Did these two this week, plan to have them transform to and from vehicle to robots and possibly make a battle pose or animation not sure. This is a tough study for me cause I don't properly rig, and animation will be interesting i haven't done any since 2007-ish. =p.

(fixed optimus)
Vehicle form concept - Robot concept

vehicle form concept - Robot concept

Concepts by kris Smith

Any C&C is welcome I know they are just renders but this was for silhouette "scaling" against the two concepts, I still have to play with Optimus and bring him back into vehicle form.(sort out any issues between the two and such.) The concept matching was a bit tough as they don't really match up but i made it work.

Super fun learning process for my brain, if nothing else and I hope you enjoy these also.


  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Robot / Vehicle ready:


    poly126.gif No more cool png transparency..

    Now to reform them into robots and get to work, this is fun thought it would have been a headache. I might do more of the concepts, not sure but it would be cool for other people to make the other ones also? Maybe make a cool collaboration wall paper, just a thought.
    I could make a tutorial out of this now that i think about it, possibly on a new one since i didn't record any work on them. =/ pitty.

    C&C if you got it.
    Going to go the route i went with my test version of optimus and try to stick them in Unreal or some other engine so i can use FX and stuff.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    (wish this would work.)

    Finally came back to this after a small vaca managed to get his transformation stance setup, boy o boy this took a bit though to learn.

    This is an all Dummy Rig, Key framed animations and will be used for his progressive states, HIGH POLY SubD's/Zbrush (if need be) both to and from vehicle form so that I can work out any issues or anatomies that pop up.

    Best part and the reason I did it all dummies for this stage is that I can edit the mesh and retain the animations :) which is what I have always wanted when creating these rigs and animations.

    Going to unwrap this stage now and see what I can get away with as far as creating on top of that (SUBD's/Edits) and if it doesn't work out it's fine I will just redo the unwraps.

    Any comments concerns or anything about the process I am going through with this are welcome.

    Hope you enjoy and let me know if you like or dislike or what have you, C & C open for review.
  • RedRogueXIII
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    RedRogueXIII polycounter lvl 16
    Awesome project, definitely interested in seeing more!
    The concept art is pretty sweet, but you models don't have the same heavy stylization with the big arms and legs, was this for avoiding clipping in the alt modes?
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator

    I made a few more changes based on your feedback and some things i saw that needed a few changes, that one leg is a test of how the stylized aspects of the character concept would work at both forms, it might, I have to do more testing.

    Seems everyone out of the blue is doing transformers now.

    Thanks for your comments, but to answer you directly yes the anomalies between the two would alter the vehicle concept that is why the character looks the way it does currently.

    Will attempt to work magic between the two but as far as the hands feet go, if I can get away with "uniform/animation scaling"(don't know if that is the terminology) then I can match both perfectly. I saw some video about scaling in UE4 so it seems like it would work.

    Guess I can just do what I will do and leave the animated video inside max when I get to pimping or anything else I can get away with if all else fails.

    Also seems to work out that I can edit my mesh and retain the animations ;) butters!

    Also might be adjusting the animations so he doesn't split apart like he does, we'll see.
    Good thing I started with Optimus first cause mega will be the most fun part about this project, get all the problems out now. :)
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator

    Woot 720 HD, added sounds and this is the showing of the edited mesh with same animations, proof i guess.
    Sry for the bump but that img above this post is bad so i remade the animations.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Wires and rig setup:
    david-cruz-dcoptimusrig.jpg?1442767985 (complicated as all F to you :) yet. )

    For those wondering, let me know if this is badass ;) I also have a animation thread going for anyone wanting to bring help my way.


    This project will take a while for sure, might just go with a cool pose and keep the current transformations till i get some help, if no help this is going to be it and i can start adding the textures and stuff.
    (reason: time consuming to change animations, atm)
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