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Having constant headaches at work

polycounter lvl 9
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Blond polycounter lvl 9
So I've been working the past month in a studio and everything went well at first during the first month.

However, recently,these past days (weeks!), every day after a few hours of work, my eyes start to burn and so does my forehead. In the end, I'm having these terrible headaches in the middle of my work and they can last the whole day.:(

My only way of reducing my pain is to close my eyes or back off from the computer for a bit but the moment I get back in front of the screen, the pain gets to me again...

It's weird because the first weeks I stayed over time to work on my projects and was fine. Now, I leave at due time so I can sleep early but still have these headaches...

It's really starting to weight heavy on my productivity. The other day, to solve the problem, I closed my eyes to lay my mind at rest and ended up sleeping . Both the CG supervisor and the anim lead came to wake me up which really made things awkward.-_-

Anyone ever been through this?

It's weird cuz last year during my short film,I would work 12 hours a day non-stop in front of the screen and never had any problem...

Edit: I'm taking breaks every fifteen minutes or so but still, if anyone has a better solution..


  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    maybe your screen is crappy, or your eyes get bad and you need glasses ?
    or you´re not getting enough oxygen ?

    iam not a doctor.. but these would come to mind
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    The simplest explanation for this is eye strain. Do some experiments by changing your workstation. I'd check your work space for glare on your monitor and try adjusting the brightness/contrast of your monitor. Maybe look into your chair and posture. If you get the headache does taking a short walk outside get rid of it? Don't sleep at your desk.

    Since it's seriously affecting your work I'd suggest going to a doctor as well.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    sprunghunt wrote: »
    The simplest explanation for this is eye strain. Do some experiments by changing your workstation. I'd check your work space for glare on your monitor and try adjusting the brightness/contrast of your monitor. Maybe look into your chair and posture. If you get the headache does taking a short walk outside get rid of it? Don't sleep at your desk.

    Since it's seriously affecting your work I'd suggest going to a doctor as well.

    Well,I don't experience this at home so it's probably where I'm at .

    I'm startin to think it has alot to do with the temperature...
    It's sweating hot here...

    About sleeping at my desk, it was not on purpose -_-!
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    If it's hot maybe you're not drinking enough water? I get headaches if I don't drink enough water.

    Not sure about the eye strain though. All of these could have multiple causes and may not be directly related to each other.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    dehydration is the biggest culprit, especially if you're drinking lots of soda or coffee.

    Aside from that, monitor or lighting conditions can do it-- see if your monitor has PWM (pulse width modulation) ie 'flicker' which can cause eye fatigue. You could also try investing in a pair of computer glasses, which block glare and harmful blue light. Not a great option if you're doing sensitive color work, but can definitely help in the long-term health of your eyes. Would suggest either Gunnar or Gamma Rays.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Eye mist or eyedrops could be useful for your eyes [ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Optrex-ActiMist-Plus-Irritated-Spray/dp/B001HRYCFE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439838368&sr=8-1&keywords=eye+mist"]Optrex ActiMist 2-in-1 Dry Plus Irritated Eye Spray - 10 ml: Amazon.co.uk: Health & Personal Care[/ame]
    I prefer the mist because I have a phobia of putting things into my eyes but the drops offer more relief.

    I'm dealing with some bad fatigue/ headaches myself but I just had a blood test done and I'm going to do a "sleep study" so that should hopefully offer some insight. I'd definitely recommend seeing a doctor.

    Caffeine is basically the only thing that enables me to function at the moment. Also make sure you exercise enough and watch your diet.
  • remotecrab131
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    remotecrab131 polycounter lvl 9
    I once had a cintiq 2012 version, (Old bulky heavy black one with standard 4:3 aspect ratio) It did not make me headache, but it burned my face and my eye so bad I had to sell it and go back to standard screen a meter away with a wacom medium.

    Im glad the burn isn't permanent.

    Try compare what's different from your working environment and when you are at home. Those difference maybe the things causing your headache. Technical things is huge too, like the refresh rate of your monitor, chair height, even smells of something.

    Or somethings is that you are so used to your home setting, that your work setting is similar that your body doesn't really adjust, but since there are actual differences, the body starts to do weird things.

    When you are aware of those differences that are causing your headache, your body may start to adjust and your headache may be gone.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    Get up every hour and walk around
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    Blond wrote: »
    Well,I don't experience this at home so it's probably where I'm at .

    I'm startin to think it has alot to do with the temperature...
    It's sweating hot here...

    About sleeping at my desk, it was not on purpose -_-!

    Isn't the studio air-conditioned?
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    My first thought was to drink a lot of water, because when I don't drink much, I feel the same way.
    But everyone is different. They have special tinted glasses to prevent eye-strain that might be worth looking into (har har), but seriously, I hear they work great.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Wow this sounds like a real drag. Seems fixable. What about lighting in your workspace vs home? Also, do you take any meds for your headaches?
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Get up every hour and walk around

    This and water drinking have been my best solutions right now. Especially the water, thx for the suggestion.

    It's 25 in there which is allright but some days, the air is really heavy on me, I admit.
    I'm not going to complain at the studio though, I'm still just a small guy here.

    thx for the kind words and will definitely look into eye water drops (if they dont cost too much)!

    Maybe they're just dry..
  • sulky
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    sulky polycounter lvl 7
    Noise maybe... some high pitched noise can cause headache, "coil whine" sometimes emit some pretty nasty sound...
  • Kitty|Owl
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    Kitty|Owl polycounter lvl 3
    hydration, heat and lighting seem like the culprits here.

    as above drink more water and take regular breaks (also look at if you are lacking sleep and make sure to take breaks at home as well), even go outside a few times a day/walk around the block.
    light can also have a significant impact (for example right now its dark and I havent turned on my lights yet and I can feel a headache/eye strain coming so I will adjust the lighting in the room right now...).
    when it comes to home lighting you have full control over the setup whereas in the office you have almost no control. so here are a few things to consider.

    1. are you sat next to a large window? if so, close the blinds (if possible) so there is no peripheral sunlight/skylight when you are looking at your screen or move/position your monitors so there is none.
    2. where are the nearest office lights located? do you get glare or again peripheral bright light? move/adjust your monitors again to compensate.

    3. what are the light levels? is the ambient light in the room considerably darker than your monitor? is it considerably brighter? either adjust your monitor brightness to be a similar level or alternatively turn a desk lamp on behind your monitor if the room is too dark.

    the above seems to work for myself but it can depend on the person.

    further things to consider:

    1. distance from your monitor: in general you want to be able to reach your arms out full stretch and just be able to touch your monitors with your fingertips.

    2. every 15-20 minutes it is a good idea to focus/look at something far away or direct your attention away from your monitor.

    3. get in the habit of getting up from your desk to go talk to people instead of using in office IM. this provides you with a break and it is often easier and faster to communicate.

    4. if you have had eye strain/headaches during the day at work, avoid using your computer that evening and take a night off, get a good nights sleep, relax away from all screens.

    5. generally avoid continuous high contrast in your environment (colour, light, sound, smell, heat).
  • Boonta
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    Boonta polycounter lvl 13
    super good points here!

    defiantly go and get your eyes checked by a optometrist and explain your circumstances to them!

    poor lighting or glare could contribute to strain.

    drink a tonne of water

    check monitor and desk posture. distance you have to look at the screen etc..

    good luck! i know the pain all to well.
  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master
    brightness of your screen can seriously increase eye strain. Try using the brightness settings of flux keep in mind it changes your screen color by default so if you are doing color relevant work just us the brightness settings.

    you could also try gunnars but I found them a waste of money, some people love them though.
  • knacki
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    knacki polycounter lvl 12
    Had serious problems when I got my IPS monitors.
    Left on factory settings it really harmed my eyes.
    I needed some time to understand that these bright monitors where my problem.
    At the end I hardly could look at my iphone in darkness - the contrast was killing me.

    Now, after I reduced brightness to 25% everything is fine again.
    Next problem I had was with low monitors like laptops.
    Looking downwards for some time really caused headaches and dizziness.
    My monitors are pretty high now, forcing me to watch horizontal.

    That helped me a lot.
    And sure, drinking water is pretty important and helps ;)
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    Get Gunnar glasses, and wore them for real ( people who aren't use to glasses tends to take them off every second, if you have prescription, definitely worth getting prescription gunnars)

    I had terrible migraine every day, my vision drops of a minimum 0.5 every year it was catastrophique

    I got gunnars RX almost 4 years ago ( and i'm kinda of blind -5.25) I wore them as my main glasses, Good bye daily migraine, good bye eye strained, my vision almost DIDN'T change, It really changed my life and no, you don'T saw everything in yellow.
  • EarthQuake
    Talk to a doctor and/or optician. While most people here are well intentioned, and may have some decent advice, they are not trained medical professionals (I assume) and can not give you a diagnosis over the internet.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Talk to a doctor and/or optician. While most people here are well intentioned, and may have some decent advice, they are not trained medical professionals (I assume) and can not give you a diagnosis over the internet.

    Was going to say the same thing after reading the comments. I have problems with headaches, but not the same problems that most others do.

    Good suggestions around, I'd pay a little attention to when and how you get them. Hydration/eye/neck strain can be common. Also congestion, stress, sleep, diet, worms, perfume, dubstep, etc. Whatever questions and observations you can answer to a doctor, the better.
  • classiclover
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    classiclover polycounter lvl 2
    I think you should get your eye check. For the mean time i have here some simple headache remedies, Go here
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    If its a behind your eyes or eyestrain like thing, try to remind yourself to blink more often.

    I talked about eye strain with an optometrist once several years ago just about general concern with staring at a screen for hours on end. He said eye strain is very often caused by dry eyes, and if you are in a hardcore work groove and really focused, its possible that you will start blinking less.

    Ever since I've gotten in the habit of blinking more when my eyes feel dry...I've had very, very few (if any) eye strains...even when working long hours.
  • nervouschimp
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    nervouschimp polycounter lvl 4
    Have an eye exam immediately. Ask to have your corneal topography mapped as well, just for good measure. Try Systane Ultra preservative free eye drops. Reduce caffeine intake. Drink more water. Stretch more. Exercise more. Keep advil around for the bad days. Find a good source of Omega3 and reduce intake of refined carbohydrates and simple sugars. See a general practitioner and ask for a physical including a full panel of blood work.
  • Rev
    First of all, yes, get an eye doctor to check you out. Better safe than sorry.

    Secondly, are there air vents or fans near you? I found that sitting at certain positions where the ventilation is near me causes my eyes to dry out. It's so slight that I don't notice it but after a couple of hours my eyes burn and hurt.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Well making sure you're eating and drinking well is really important, I find that I tend to get really mushy in the head during the afternoons if I don't drink lots of water and especially if I don't have like a snack around 3pm, like a fruit or something.

    Next up would probably be to check your eyes out, sounds like you're straining them a lot and you might have some issues that you don't know about? Quick eye-doctor checkup would probably be good :)
  • commador
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    commador polycounter lvl 14
    Kitty|Owl wrote: »

    3. what are the light levels? is the ambient light in the room considerably darker than your monitor? is it considerably brighter? either adjust your monitor brightness to be a similar level or alternatively turn a desk lamp on behind your monitor if the room is too dark.

    Here at my office its your typical overhead fluorescent fixtures and I HATE them. After just a few hours or so if I don't get up and walk around or pop outside for a bit I'll start to get a headache. Worse yet, when the ballasts get old they will cause the bulbs to flicker.

    Conversely, at home, I've got a warm colored LED lamp behind my displays, and I can happily sit there for hours with no issues at all.
  • shaderfx
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    shaderfx polycounter lvl 9
    I get headaches when it is too hot and sitting behind a computer some times.

    Try getting a little fan just for your desk.
    Look around a bit, there are quieter ones etc that might be nicer.

    Another thing you can try is one of those neck braces that cools you down.
    never tried them though.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Ok so I figured out it was the temperature and dehydration (water drinking was a good idea). It's sweating hot here and the air is heavy. It's 35 outside and we've been through a period of heat wave in Mtl.

    At home, ti's so fresh, I can wear my hoodie.-_- I never experience this problem.

    I'm not going over and complain though, I will just try to survive through this for the next 2 weeks until my time here is done.

    I also avoid putting on my headphones, noise just worsen my case.

    I'm considering the Gunnar glasses thing though, because the ''burning eye'' problem, I still have it at home after long periods behind the PC...

    It's funny cuz I see many people with sweat all over their face and wet spots on their armpits, yet when I ask them if they think it's hot, they tell me it's allright haha
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Aye grab a pair of Gunnars, or you can try a cheaper alternative as a test (Gamma Ray via amazon). Avoid NoScope at all cost, they are a scam.

    I have a handful of these types of glasses, mostly Gunnar and they work very very very well. Literally removed eye strain altogether, no more headaches either. I recommend the Steelseries Desmo if you can find then, they can get a bit pricey though. Otherwise the RPG series is pretty good (also has with a Razer theme). For non Gunnars, theres the CoD branded ones by Allure which work pretty good too. https://www.allure-eyewear.com/call-of-duty/
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I had headaches too and I've gotten over them by drinking a lot of water (and tea) but most importantly I started taking breaks and started to walk around. I haven't had any headaches since. Hopefully things get better :(
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Could be mold, dust, mites... or something that kicks it off. Caffeine? Bad posture?
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Lamont wrote: »
    Could be mold, dust, mites... or something that kicks it off. Caffeine? Bad posture?

    You'd think so, but it's brain parasites.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    c'mon man, you got universal healthcare, why are you coming to a 3d forum for advice?
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    c'mon man, you got universal healthcare, why are you coming to a 3d forum for advice?

    I know, I know, but to an extent, we all pass our day focus on screens all week long and I wondered how you people handled it in the long run and if you felt any sort of sickness.

    I've got warnings to stop doing thread like this, I'm sorry.
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