Hello boys and girls!
After looking a bit on the foruns and found nothing i would like to know if it is possible to bake an animation to a mesh??
Im asking because it would be beautifull to be able to do so in that way when i export the fbx file to the game Engine(Unity) i don´t bring with the mesh the bone polygons.
Hey Obscura, what do you mean that is used for a different thing?
Your don´t think means that there´s no way to bring a mesh to an engine without the bones?
Thank you!
Also, moving this to the Unity section.
Actually it´s a very simple animation.
I guess then i can´t use animations cycles like run, walk etc without bones....
Thank you guys, if you have ideas please let me know.
I've had to deal with point cache animations at a past company, many of the animation files were a few gigabytes each and frequently caused crashes.
Is there a particular reason you don't want to use bone rig animation?
Hey man, because im working on a game for mobile, and the enimies are simple but if i add bones in all of them at the end ill get alot of mesh inside the game.
In the end we kind of figured out and i animated inside Unity.
Hey Eric!
For us it was like 6 box bones pe renemy character, so it was like 4*2=8*6=48 tris per character, but the coder said it was quite heavy so.. i kind of said to him to animate into unity. I guess he needs to make a better coding...
Hey man, thank you alot for your insight!
Nah, the only modifier is the SKIN. I guessed that it was "normal" to export the mesh and that the bones kind of had to come together to "sustain" the animation into the mesh.
That´s why i created this topic, to find a way to bring the animated mesh without the bones, so by doing this it would be lighter for the gameplay.
This option for non-geometry is at the fbx export option or at the cat?
I tought that bake animation option at the fbx exporter was supposed to do all this trick. =/
But thank you very much for all you guys attention!
Was the bone box count a guess? Because I can't get Max to export CAT as anything other than bones, so I don't see how it would be geometry in Unity.
Since my schedule is tight ill do more tests later and bring the results here, but for the moment ill leave as it is.
Perhaps the guy working with the engine may think that the bones are counting as geometry. anyway...
Maybe in October ill have the time to create a case study!