I mocked up a quick test scene for a wine barrel shader and I am seeing extreme... lighting, gamma? and environment map issues.
The shader is fairly simple. I have two channels. One for the wood and one for the metal that are lerped together. Metalness is set correctly (and very basically) with complete black on the wood and complete white for the bands.
The barrels look good enough in the outdoor lighting but once they're inside the little mock up they (and even the Epic starter materials) go all to hell.
Can someone help me figure out what's going on here?
Eye adaptation is off in the screenshot. I turned it back on and there was no immediately noticeable difference.
The color channel is fairly straightforward. The wood and the metal lerped.
The extra stuff going on in the normal map is simply to reduce the intensity of the wood grain effect. (it then has the unmodified normal of the starter content metal normal map lerped)
Custom roughness map for the wood lerped against a constant .5 for the metal.
The AO map was nDo map conversion from the wood normal and it has a process to bring up the darks. It's simply multiplying by a fraction and then adding back in the difference. (is there a better way to do that?)
The floor is the default level mesh. I wonder if the problem on the floor lies in that it is both inside and outside?
But that still doesn't explain why my wine barrels are over-reflective in the interior.
I added two lights to the interior space and set their lumens to 1700. One on each side wall. Still the barrels have a glow from what appears to be the environment map.
This is my first serious project in UE4 so I'm on unfamiliar ground. Will setting up a reflection capture inside the room fix this? I'll look into it.
Thanks for the replies. :cheers:
This is your problem. You need reflection probes in your scene. This is why it's so shiny inside - it's using the same reflection map for both outside and inside.