Hi Wes,
I've just started working with Substance Designer and find it extremely versatile. One small feature I would really like to see added would be the ability to automatically generate the material icon using Substance Designers 3d material preview model (the one shown in the attachment); to enable users to easily visualize new materials they created, rather than an image of one of the output maps.
Would it be possible for you to post the 3d model used to create the Substance Designer material previews?
So we rendered ambient occlusion, world space normal, curvature..etc in 2D and applied the mask generator on it.
I'll post an example later..
I made a similar request some time ago, but maybe those composite maps could be even more useful. If a make a file to look-dev like Christophe Desse did:
I could generate the previews, right?
And it is very similar to Christophe's workflow.