I'm working on modeling a
Raging Bull revolver, starting with the barrel. I have it mostly modeled out...but just discovered a triangle I have in the corners of the barrel vent things. I've been staring at it forever and can't for the life of me figure out what to do with it. I'm trying to smooth my mesh and I'm pretty sure its the cause of some terrible distortion.
Here is what I got
Feel free to draw some geometry on the big image with what you're thinking
As the image says you might have another triangle at an undiscovered location, we can't see the entire model so nothing can really be done to actually solve this issue as we can just speculate, that what I might have pointed out might help.
Otherwise yea you have to make sure every line your making "closes" to a quad end to end.
It takes a bit of time you'll get it I was like that at the start also.
That being said, are you planning to tighten your edge with extra loops? Will this model be smoothed/subdiv'd?
@DireWolf I plan on adding edges loops and smoothing yes. I've just been trying to keep all triangles away because it makes adding loops and what not easier. Seems like as soon as I get a triangle in the mix, my insert edge loop and split tool just stop working. Also I thought triangles caused a lot of deformation when trying to smooth?
Looked like I focus too much on the circle and wasn't thinking clearlyy for the curve surface on the left hmm.
But I'm still wondering about triangles on smooth meshes, I was under the impression that you wanted to avoid them at all costs.
thats bogus
if it smoothes fine and deforms fine, triangles as well as ngons are totally fine for subdiv modelling
Triangles, when you are modeling, you don't want it. When you export it to the end application, you want kill everything but triangles. - 3D Logic.
Even when you want to bake stuff, you should go with triangulated lowpoly mesh instead of quads. Unless the quad is perfectly flat on all 4 vertex normals.