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Bloodborne Workshop Environment Study

polycounter lvl 7
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AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
Hey Polycount!

Wanted to start up a thread for an environment study I'm doing on Bloodborne's Hunters' Dream. It'll be a good break from what I usually do, and give me a new environment to work on so when I go back to some of my other work, I'l have fresh eyes. I'm focusing on the inside. The lighting and gothic style of this environment was what really caught my eye when I saw it in-game, and it's been on my to-do list for quite a while. I'm giving myself a 2-3 week deadline on this, so I can push myself as far as I can.

Looking forward to this one!

Current Progress

Current task for the day:
Finish everything up :D

Here's the progress as of this post, the walls and ceiling are still on the first pass, lighting is temporary:




Here's the scene with some blockout for the clutter.



And to those unfamiliar with this wonderful game, here's a refboard that I'm using.


Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and thanks for looking!


  • EpicBeardMan
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    EpicBeardMan polycounter lvl 8
    Good job so far.

  • Eoq
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    Eoq polycounter lvl 8
    I agree with mah man above me! Keep at it!: )
  • Berg
    Nice, the worn wall textures look great.
  • GrevSev
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    GrevSev polycounter lvl 9
    Looking nice so far
    Could use a loooooot more chromatic aberration though. Just max it if you can.
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks guys! Definitely on the aberration, Grev, I'll smash it up a bit.

    Here's yesterday to today's progress.




    Second brick texture that I used for part of the stairs and will use for stone trim around the room


    HP before normal render


    And same with the wood floor



    Things that caught my eye while rendering these:
    The wood floor seems a bit too chunky, so I'll run it through ZBrush again and make much smaller details for it, and adjust the albedo. (And fix some tiling)
    Stone on the stairs and pillars is a bit shiny, so I'll tone the roughness up.
    The raised platform probably needs a Static Mesh instead of a BSP, to make the transition between stairs and the floor much smoother (Add trim with it).

    Cheers and thanks guys!
  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    Looking great, though the wood boards run the opposite way. Also I would add some actual sections where a board ends and another begins for variation.

    And a suggestion, to close off the doors I would make a "foggy door" material just like The souls series has them.
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @Reaper Oh no lol, that was bad. The fog would be a really nice touch, so I'll look into fog shaders in UE4. I'm not sure how I would replicate the Messengers grabbing at you when you cross through it, but I'll think on that for a while. Took your advice with the wood floor ends also. Thanks man!

    Was away from my computer for a lot longer than anticipated yesterday, so here's a small update.



    And here's the albedo for the carpet. I couldn't find anything close enough to Bloodborne's rugs, so I hand painted the thing. SO MUCH RESPECT to people who create rugs in real life lol.


    With the cloth stuff mostly done, I can start on the actual clutter. I just have to desaturate the curtains and add a bit more dust/wear and tear. I'll start with the bookcase after that, along with the books. Hopefully I can smash that out in about 2 days.
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    Currently I'm not a fan of floor texture, other than that looks good
    looking forward to this
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Coming along nicely, I'm gonna have to agree with Amirabd on the floor wood texture... it's got multiple problems in my opinion..
    1. It's scale seems a bit too big, it makes your level seem quite miniature.
    2. it looks a bit too clean as well? I think it's mainly about the general colour of the wood though... perhaps play with the levels and drop it's saturation a bit so it looks a bit older since the wood's quite rich atm.
    3. There's an obvious point of repetition in the texture as well which is best noticed in your first screenshot.

    Secondly, That harsh cut in the corner section of the carpet mesh... I'm assuming that was intentional for a small fold in the carpet? If that's the case It's far too straight, it doesn't look natural and rather uniform and breaks the illusion of what it is, so i'd correct that... However if it's just an error in the mesh which might have occurred during import or something (which it looks more likely to be instead of a fold) then ignore my comment about the odd folding in the carpet.

    Either way, great start. Keep going! :)
  • Matt_Billeci
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    Matt_Billeci polycounter lvl 7
    Id make some adjustments to your wood. You can clearly see where its tiling. Also, I'd add more color variation like you have in your reference. Might also benefit from thickening up the wood boards more.
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @Kid - The rug was my bad, when I baked the hp's details I didn't check two sided in the material so when it baked it looked jagged. I actually didn't see that, so thanks for pointing that out! For the floor, definitely. I actually resorted to counting the number of boards by certain landmarks and matched it with my boards, so the scale shouldn't be an issue now (hopefully :) )

    @Matt and ami - I switched it up a bit, it's much more desaturated and darkened to look much older. It's color is much closer to the wooden trim now.

    Here's the updates. There are 8 different types of books for these bookcases to break them up. The platform on the raised floor's texture is a placeholder for now.





    Next on my list are the small tables and the clutter on top of them (Tea set, candles, pots, etc.) so I can complete one side of the room.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Cool stuff.

    A lot of your woodwork..shelving, columns etc seem to smooth to me. They come off as wet.

    In general, your textures come off as overly lumpy to me. Worst offenders are wood grain on the floorboards, the trim that goes up from the columns across the ceiling, and the stucco walls. They are catching a lot of highlights and just making your images feel really noisy.

    I do like your rugs, although I think that the straight crease feels a little too straight. Wonk it up just a tad. Also maybe add a bit more thickness to the rugs in general...even if its a bit over-exaggerated, catching a slight highlight on there would read nicely. Would be an improvement over the Bloodborne shots imo.

    Also this is really more of a personal taste thing, but man, turn down the vignetting/chromatic abberation. Its making it hard to look at and critique your work in some shots.
  • DireWolf
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @gsokol- I'm glad you pointed that out the lumpiness in the textures, I was also thinking about that when I took those shots. Alot of my roughness maps for everything were pretty grey, so the wet look was easy to take care of after I brightened them. As for the rugs, that was a good idea to wonk it up a bit. I rebaked the texture with much more of a waviness and curve. I haven't added any extra geometry yet (As of now it's just a flat plane) but I'll add some geometry around the folded edge and push it out to catch highlights. AO only does so much.

    @DireWolf - Why thank you :D

    So, after some computer shenanigans slowing my momentum I finally got what I wanted squared away for the next update. Sorry for the lateness though!






    God, I never even thought about how many books where in this environment. About 900~ by my count (at least in mine), so I may try to shorten the number by scaling some books up. This along with the scattered documents and pots really break up the floor. I also got the storage chest nailed down, so the next item on my list is the cabinet to the right of it, along with the shelves above the chest with all the bottles of blood. I may be able to crank this out in two weeks instead of three yet :)
  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    This is looking great!

    Will be a great portfolio piece
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @Reaper - Thank you :D Just got to keep on hammering at it.

    Long delay this time, but I've got most of the environment through the first texture pass. I need to lighten the scene up a bit though, and maybe add a bit more yellows instead of oranges. I'll post up some breakdowns in the next couple of days so you guys can see how the stuff is constructed.







  • Last_Attempt
    This looks amazing, I can't wait to see what it looks like once it's finished Bloodborne is definitely one of my favorite recent games.
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @ Last - Thanks :D!
    Good God that was a long weekend, but I got a big update and I'm about done with this environment. I revisited a bunch of the asset's textures to add stuff like dust, a little bit of grunge, created the rest of the main and side assets, and did a second lighting pass. (Hope this isn't too many images for one post). I'm working on asset and material breaks right now, so I'll make a new post for those (I've got like 20 breakdown images ATM), probably tomorrow. Just a few more asset tweaks here and there and changes and I'm pretty much done :) (Fog effect for the doors perplexes me, I'm still experimenting)










  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    looking good so far! the only thing that stands out to me are those curtain things, they just seem like they should have more folds in them or something, they just look a bit flat. The lighting on the one desk also looks like it lacks contrast, perhaps smaller point lights rather than one big one would help.
  • jujit08
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    jujit08 polycounter lvl 6
    This turned out excellent..Stellar work.
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @Ged - Thanks for the advice! The desk really needed that, especially since it's a lighter and brighter type of wood than most of the room! I also resculpted the curtains for a normal, I may just retop what I had and add a bit more of a poly count to get nice shadows, but I'm not quite sure.
    @ju - Thank ya! The source material was so damn detailed and Bloodborne's art direction is top notch, I loved following it on a deadline :)

    Here's the updated lighting on the desk

    And here's the updated curtains (May change still)

    Here are some breakdowns of everything (It's not all of the breaks I did, there'd probably be too many images for one post)








  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    definitely an improvement, I think the lighting is still a bit dark or flat in places, the beautiful cieling isnt being shown off much
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @ Ged - Gotcha, brightening up the ceiling should also help with some of the lighting as well as show it off.
    I noodled around with the lighting and post processing, got a bit more interesting highlights and shadows.


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    definitely more impressive! Just a random idea, Its not necessary at all its looking great, but as an experiment you could try guiding the players eye more with the use of light eg tone down all the lights brightness a bit except for a few that are in areas you want people to focus on more?
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @Ged - Thanks! And thanks for all the advice you've given me :D
    I'll noodle with the lighting and post processing a bit more, that'll be
    a great touch with this.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 12
    Awesome watching this come together :)
  • Lazar
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    Lazar polycounter lvl 3
    I'm playing through Bloodborne right now, so this is a real treat to see! I'm excited to see more updates!!!
  • Jean-Pascal
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    Jean-Pascal polycounter lvl 5
    It's coming along very nicely!

    I've seen that some people had concerns regarding the curtains earlier, and I agree that the folds still don't feel believable yet. I'd suggest getting some references and taking a good look at how support points and gravity affect the fabric.

    Keep it up, as a fan of the franchise, I can't wait to see this one finished! :D
  • AndrewMKelley
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    AndrewMKelley polycounter lvl 7
    @Haz and Laz - Thank you guys so much!
    @Jean - Thank you! Definitely on the curtains. I did resculpt them, but I fear they may be too light and flowy. I'll keep messing with it, and I might even just bake this and use it as a detail normal for the curtains, and do a heavier cloth folds for the base.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    thats probably better but maybe check more reference just in case. look how straight the folds are in these curtains, especially on the far right edge and look at how the tie for them hangs at an angle and how round and deep the folds are 535991.jpg
  • Stinkfoot
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    Stinkfoot polycounter lvl 11
    I have the terrible urge to roll through all the books and closets... good job!
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