Hello Polycount,
As the title suggests, I am trying to curate my portfolio a bit and would love some help. I am open to any critiques, including which are the worst pieces and why, site layout, subject matter, consistency, and any other suggestions.
I personally don't like the environment piece I have on there and will most likely remove it. I am also looking to improve my texturing skills as well as pursue a medium between stylized and realistic. I am also looking to focus in on props and environmental pieces and trying to avoid characters for now.
I appreciate any time spent reviewing my site.
Same for me! Took a little while to load the homepage... You have some nice work but I would probably remove the environment. It isn't as strong as your other pieces in my opinion.
Ben_C, thank you for your suggestion. This is something I will keep in mind and will help with both organization and load time.
On that note you need to more clearly market yourself for what you want to work as (eg character artist, weapons atist, environment artist) and tailor your portfolio towards that.
Try to keep the non-gamemesh assets to a minimum as well if you want to work as a game artist. If you still want to include them at least give them some more interesting materials to make it look less like you just gave up one day and called it done. In an optimal portfolio there wouldn't even be a need for a filtering system like the one you have concepts, highpoly, wip, etc. beacause the number of pieces those would be applicable to would be negligeable (i.e one or two pieces IMO).
Show wires and textures along with polycounts and texture resolution as often as possible. It's okay to skip out on it on the occasional piece where it's just too messy, but IMO most pieces should show them.
A lot of the points on the resume could be condensed. I'd completely remove the summary as it's basically just word poop telling me you want to be a non-descript 3d artist which you could (and probably should) show with a subtitle under your name instead.
You coul completely remove all the job roles under the employment history as none of them are relevant for a 3d artist (keep the job, just remove the subpoints).