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Poly Count specs

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jose.fuentes interpolator
Hey Guys,

We are trying to establish a hard surface pipeline. I was curious if anyone had good insight on what are some good low poly count ranges for:




Basically, we are trying to set some ground rules for when delivering assets, so the artists can keep in mind what polycount to shoot for. I.E. a building should be between 3-5K polys. Our goal is for these models to go into Unity

Anyone have any suggestions?


  • echofourpapa
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    echofourpapa polycounter lvl 4
    What platform? That's more important, really.

    Unity counts by both triangles and vertices, with vertex count being more important. Unity will generate extra verts so that the list of vertices, normals and UVs are even.(I will also generate extra normals and UVs as needed too). That won't effect the look of the models as much as performance. Unity also has a hard limit of 65535 verts per mesh(size of an unsigned short int, if anyone is wondering why the odd number). This is because all verts, normals and UVs have to be held in an array of equal lengths and the max on that array size is 65535. If your mesh has over that many Unity will split it up for you into different meshes, but it's rather unforgiving about how and where it splits.

    A basic rule of thumb I use is as small as possible while still getting the result required.
  • jose.fuentes
    Offline / Send Message
    jose.fuentes interpolator
    our final output is mobile
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    It's too subjective to tell. You're just going to have to try it out on various devices and see what works and what doesn't.

    Polycount, even on mobile, isn't likely to be the bottleneck. More likely it'll be textures, shaders and number of meshes on the graphics side.
  • echofourpapa
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    echofourpapa polycounter lvl 4
    Farfarer is very correct. I can run 1.5 million cheap tris at once on an iPad Air 1, but maybe only about 100k-200k with heavy shaders and textures.

    For iOS, where memory becomes the biggest concern,I have found that geometry is usually cheaper than textures, especially if you want to use alpha to mask off sections.
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    interesting, i didn't even think about textures. Thanks for the insight
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