I'm having a bit of trouble with this retopo job. Is it possible to kind of taper away these edges coming up through the handle so I can keep the blade nice and clean? I've been told that I should still avoid tris and n-gons even though this will be totally hard surface.
In other words, is it possible to terminate the edge without it going all the way to the end of the blade or is that the only option?
General retopo advice is also much appreciated as this is my first full retopo.
I included a render of the sculpt too for reference.
Triangles are perfectly acceptable. You just want to avoid having them in your final model where the mesh would deform from animation. While working, triangles cause some of the modeling tools to break down such as inserting edge loops and such, but other than that it's not inherently bad.
Now, go collapse some edge loops
Ah this is such good news, I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how I could do this nicely without tris, I'm so happy to hear that they are okay to use.
4 minutes 31 seconds
That only has to do with subd the High poly, not building a low poly
It's about redirecting edgeflow in a u-turn way to reduce density progressively, it applies to every conceivable situation involving topology control and flow.
Especially if you want to keep it in quads, but even if you don't.
Examples provided
1: topology redirected backwards
2: Topology redirected to the sides
The two approaches can be combined and interwined at will, as long as the silhouette and overall shading aren't suffering too much.