Greetings! I am an aspiring modeller, with little to no background in the field. My experience is limited to 4 years of work using Milkshape3D and user-made tools for Warcraft III modelling and "geo-merging", aka model editing. This mostly involves low-poly modelling, simple linear animations and plenty of primitive-modelling and extruding. Recently, I've started messing around with AutoDesk Maya, with the intention of publishing items for DOTA 2. Although I am no 2D artist,
a friend of mine is a very capable and proven concept-artist and texture artist with experience in the field, and I am planning to work with him.
Anyhow, at this stage, all I'm capable of is "low-poly modelling", usually through primitives and the "Extrude" tool, and a bit of UV wrapping. I am interested in learning more, both in Maya and in ZBrush (I have absolutely no experience with the latter yet). However, I cannot seem to find any tutorials which are free, high-quality, and detailed (step-by-step) in order to learn these skills. In particular, I am looking for basic sculpting tutorials (using a mouse for now, might buy a tablet later), tutorials for Dota 2 sculpting and modelling specifically, tutorials for refining Normal maps and high-quality sculpts from a low-poly base, tutorials for doing the opposite (high poly --> low poly) and tutorials for sculpting sharp or edged objects such as swords (as opposed to soft or squishy ones like people). If this is the wrong place to post, or if I'm breaking any rules, I apologize in advance... I am rather new here, though I have read the rules a while ago.
Thanks in advance for any help!
And as an adendum, this is what I managed to accomplish so far.
Maya practice, textures by NFWar:
Bow for Clinkz, Concept by NFWar:
For Zbrush sculpting, no better resource:
The Dota Character Art Guide and the Dota Character Texture Guide are excellent resources
For low-poly modeling we have a bunch of resources here.