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Updated Portfolio Alden Filion

polycounter lvl 17
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3dflasher polycounter lvl 17
It got to be that time of year to dust off and update the good old portfolio site. I'm hoping to do some blog style breakdowns for some of the pieces. Hope you guys like it.


Also want to get the videos to autoplay on mobile (brute force) so if anyone can shed any light on some shortcode css...it would be appreciated.


  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Whooaaa that is some fancy stuff, quite original as well. I like it :thumbup:

    On second thought, i still love it but it's a bit over the top. Would like it to be a bit simpler if that makes any sense.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I feel conflicted about how awesome it is that it is aniamted, but perturbed that it took a while to load on my end.

    Anyone else have conflicting feelings?
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah it took forever to load on my end as well. May be a bit overkill and not worth it if you're using your portfolio to find work. It is nifty though.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Your stuff is gorgeous but I'm not a fan of the animated stuff. Makes me wonder what the heck you are showing off...the environments, the lighting, the animations, the fx? Your artstation is much better but you have one screenshot per environment, no sculpts, no textures, no breakdowns...nothing.
  • Zedblade
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    Zedblade polycounter lvl 10
    It's pretty i guess...

    But I didn't like it at all.

    Took forever to load, not that easy to navigate, I hate auto playing movies. I'm not a fan of the layout. There just too much going on, it's overwhelming. You are trying to showcase your art, not your website skills right? Make navigation simple and streamlined, make only the pictures I want to see load and take center stage. It's just pure chaos as far as I concerned.

    Also, I hate plug-ins. A website should be able to work on the most simplest of machine with basic browser. I had to enable javascript (which I have by default off on every webpage I visit.) It's a person thing I know, but it still bugged me.

    The worst part is the loading time. I could have looked at 3 other portfolios in the time it took yours to load. Most people searching for candidates don't have all that much time, as they have to do it on top of their usual job (I know, I've been there.) and when it takes that long to load your site I don't care how awesome your stuff is. I have to move on.

    But that's just my opinion though.
  • 3dflasher
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    3dflasher polycounter lvl 17
    Thankfully I'm in a place where I'm not currently looking for work...woot :) I've had a static run of the mill portfolio for all of my career and I wanted to have a bit more creative fun with it.

    I've been on the hiring side of the fence also, so I'm aware of the pit falls of high load times. Work in progress on that front...I just re-compressed most of the data on the site so the load times should now be cut by 50% with more room to optimize for sure. Looking to get it down to 2 seconds max.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Well if you're going for flash, I think you've succeeded!
  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    I don't know if that applies to everybody, but over here firefox has been blocking any adobe flash content recently, atleast until you explicitly allow it again. Which pretty much leads to a huge error message. The page is working ok, it might just put somebody off.
    Oh and your work is amazing ^^
  • Xaragoth
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    Xaragoth polycounter lvl 8
    *falls out of chair*

    Worth keeping the abomination that is Adobe Flash for. Really damn nice site and work :) Problems only arise with Flash, because a lot of it is being phased out and blocked.
  • 3dflasher
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    3dflasher polycounter lvl 17
    The site should work no problem on any browser even mobile. It's using html 5 not flash and definitely no plugin download. Jquery is an essential element to html 5 which is why java would have to be able to run on your browser but that's pretty native to peoples machines. As more sites start to surface this year using html 5 you should see a shift to that end.
  • nastobi123
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    nastobi123 polycounter lvl 8
    “It works fine on my machine”

    Your website is pretty inspirational and awesome.
  • Stinkfoot
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    Stinkfoot polycounter lvl 11
    I like the flashy presentation (moving pictures wahey!), but I was looking at black screens for a while before it loaded, and my internet isnt that bad, I don't know if there's any way to optimise it?
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    hmm there is way too much going on and I feel completely lost in the site hierarchy.
    It goes from videos to slideshows to overviews that automatically play submenus of the overview and i feel completely lost.

    You can navigate vertically and horizontally towards new pages and also click on things that open new pages ? Its like a maze.

    That parallax mouse movement is super laggy and I would not do that. Id open with the game overview not with a blurry video that dosnt show any good shots of the environments, no fan of the battlefield video. The unreal one is a lot slower and makes sense on the other hand.

    Your game overview uses round button presentations but is not clickable. Why is there parallax mouse movement if the mouse dosnt even do anything ? this does not make sense.
    Either make those round things buttons that lead towards a submenu of each game or make a design that makes it clear that you are just showing the games you worked on quickly.

    The portfolio subsite looks very "I bought this generic wordpress skin from a site" and while it depends on who is looking at your site, the usual user may not know and think it looks fine but the people hiring you may have extended knowledge
    and see instantly that its a template and not made by you.

    "Hours spent making a build and sending it to a kit." Kit ? Devkit ? Kid ? Client ? I don't get it (maybe thats me ?) Removing those numbers would take away a lot of the wordpress template look
    and they feel forced, as you had these 3 things to fill with something, so id simply remove those and the subpage would be good.

    Work looks good but It really rethink the layouting of the site and cut some of the crazy transistions
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